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"We're almost there," Theodore groaned as he sat down on a rock since they hadn't had a single break after breakfast.

"Theodore!" yelled Lorenzo as he grabbed his arm, "it's 4 p.m., you can do it."

Theo's eyes widened as he couldn't believe what he was hearing, "it's- it's 4 p.m.?!" Berkshire smiled at him in an awkward way as he said, "Yeah... maybe."

Theodore looked at him with wide eyes, they got up at freaking 8 a.m.

"Be a man!" Draco shouted at him, who was completely exhausted and fell down. Draco had it the worst, he was still hurting from what Azar had done to him.

Fearyn quickly ran over to him when she saw Draco sleepily close his eyes. But Fearyn thought otherwise, so she knelt down to him and gently laid his head on his lap.

After she started to slap him on his cheeks.

She thought he was getting unconscious which made her panic. So she started hitting him on both of his cheeks.

The boys looked at her with wide eyes as Theodore even dropped the bottle of water he had just taken out.

She slapped Draco red.

"Fearyn I think-" began Mattheo as he looked over Draco's red face.

Fearyn was in such a panic that she didn't listen to her husband.

She kept slapping and the main problem was... that Draco was awake all the time, but he couldn't talk because she wouldn't stop hitting him.

"Enough, enough!" shouted Malfoy at her as he sat up while looking towards Fearyn as if she was crazy. "What is wrong with you?!" he screamed at her as he held his red cheeks.

While the white-haired one looked at him in relief as she hugged Draco as thigh as she could.

Everyone looked at all this with amusement and tried to hold in their laughter as they looked at his red face.

"Wow, Fearyn... Are you like that with Mattheo? If you know what I mean, sweetheart." Theodore winked at Fearyn as Mattheo glared at him.

"Don't ruin her head you shit" hissed the lord at him as he looked over Fearyn who blushed because she understood what Theodore meant.

"Great," muttered Mattheo under his breath.

They all started running up a small hill as they looked around for anything suspicious.

But they saw nothing conspicuous.

The sun was shining through the trees, which were blooming more and more every day as spring slowly began.

The birds were chirping, the flowers were blooming, and the grass had a beautiful bright green color. It was so beautiful and friendly.

"If the whole path is like this now, we'll get the crystal in two seconds." said Atlas as he looked at the beautiful baby blue sky while he heard from behind Theodore mumbling, "One, two-"

"That is not what I meant!"

Mattheo rolled his eyes in annoyance as he continued to walk hand in hand with Fearyn.

"Okay, we have to go left here, guys!" yelled Lorenzo at his friends as he pointed to the left.

Everyone nodded and wanted to go left. But suddenly something like spit came and it hit Draco right in the eye.

"Fuck! That burns." screamed Draco while Theodore laughed at him as he said, "Be a man." while he stepped behind Atlas.

Atlas narrowed his eyes as he took his little weapon out of his backpack while he kept walking.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 | 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙤 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now