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"Wake up, Fearyn," said Azar coldly and closed the door while he walked nearer to her. "New day. New chance. Use your powers, or I will do the same as yesterday!"

The witch sat slowly up, and the blood was still flowing from her head and mouth. She looked with trembling head at her father, who knelt in front of her and grabbed her chin.

"I'll say this again, stop hiding your powers!" screamed Fellowes and pushed her head back to the floor.

"If you want it to stop, use it," he whispered hissing and took a few steps back.

But Fearyn didn't do anything, she told him every time that her powers were gone but he never believed her. Never.

The white-haired one was so tired that she closed her eyes again.

She wanted to scream, to cry, but she couldn't.

Fearyn was too weak. She only got disgusting rest food or nothing.

Her clothes were dirty, her hair black, her eyes red and tired.

All she wants is her light. Someone who saves her.

"You asked for it," said Azar and called his men in.


After Mattheo heard a scream from the white bird, he saw his love unconscious on the ground.

A few hours passed after he carried her back to the bed and healed her wounds.

His head was in chaos, he hated not knowing what happened, he hated that Hogwarts was slowly becoming unsafe, and he hated seeing her anxious face when she saw Azar.

This man makes him sick, but more, the secrets make him crazy, he does not understand anything, the book, the bird nothing. And all this is a problem because Fearyn didn't speak.

Mattheo's worries grow. He knew nothing good would happen.

Something would come, but the Lord didn't know what, and that drove him so crazy.

He stroked Fearyn's white hair while a wet towel lay on her bloody head, and he noticed the single tear that flew from her closed eye.

The brown-haired one knew she only could dream of her past now. He wanted to wake her up, but it didn't work, she is trapped and could only free herself alone.

He wiped the tear away and noticed how she slowly woke up. Her body is shaking, her cheeks are red, and the tears become more.

Sometimes, he wanted to erase her memories or enter her mind to find everything out, but he couldn't, not without her permission.

Fearyn opened her eyes and looked tired at her husband.

She sat slowly up and hugged him as tight as she could. Mattheo hugged her back and tried to calm her down.

He sat her on his lap while Fearyn cried his t-shirt wet.

Every time he thought it was getting better, it got worse.

He wouldn't let go of her, he couldn't, he felt his t-shirt getting wet from her tears.

Mattheo wanted her to calm down, so after a few minutes, he pulled back to make eye contact with her. He looked into her red eyes and stroked her white hair out of her wet face.

The Lord kissed gently her tears away before they could fall on her lap.

There were so many little kisses.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 | 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙤 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now