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Fearyn sat quietly on the table as Atlas packed his weapons. It was a sword, grant, and more which made Fearyn's eyes widen.

If he had to kill he wouldn't be doing it for the first time, in fact he looked like he did it every day.

The witch sighed and her eyes moved from him to his room where the door stood open.

Her eyes moved back to the picture.

She wanted to know who she was and where she was. Because Atlas looked like he lived here completely alone.

The brown-haired man noticed where she was looking and stood up to turn the picture around on the table so that it was no longer visible.

Fearyn swallowed at his reaction and watched further how he was packing a few things.

As she noticed how Atlas finished with his packing, the white-haired one stood up. Atlas was looking at her in a non-emotions way as he walked to the door and opened it for her.

"There we go princess." he said as he waited until Fearyn stepped out.

The witch's eyes widened at his nickname for her, she thought if Atlas would say it to her in front of her husband, he would be a dead man.

Fearyn turned into Atlas' direction and watched how he was locking the door. He sighed and walked to Fearyn while asking "So... I think we're going to this place huh?"

The quiet girl nodded as she looked around the wood. They were in nowhere, everything was full of trees and old woods on the ground.

Atlas noticed of course her disorientation and walked forward while giving Fearyn a bottle of water, "Here, this will be a long way."

Fearyn took the bottle and smiled shyly as she saw how Atlas walked into the forest. The witch sighed as she followed him and hoped to find her friends and her love as quickly as possible.

The two were walking beside each other.

Sometimes Atlas was in front of Fearyn because she hesitated to walk further, and mostly when there were big woods on the way which moved Atlas with his muscular arms away.

"Can you remember what happened to you?" the brown-haired man asked as he looked sideways into Fearyn's red eyes.

The witch swallowed a little as she looked down on the ground and shook her head.

No she couldn't remember because she got unconscious as the tree broke down into the ground.

Atlas nodded as he pushed again a wood away which was in their path.

Fearyn stared all the time at the ground as she thought about Mattheo and the others. She was so scared of what might happen to them.

The witch was so lost in thought that Atlas didn't speak to her, just looked around to make sure no one was following them or that no flower was coming out of the ground to attack them.

It took a few more minutes as they finally reached the place, and Fearyn's eyes widened as she saw all the broken plants and a little blood.

She put her hands in front of her mouth as she looked away. But Atlas walked nearer to the broken plants and knelt in front of it as he said "Fearyn, here is something that you should see."

The witch swallowed ever and ever again while she walked slowly and carefully over the dead plants in his direction.

Atlas looked at her up as he held her leg because she almost fell into a hole.

It was the hole where Mattheo was pulled in.

She knew it because she saw a ring beside it. Mattheo's wedding ring.

The brown-haired one watched how Fearyn picked it slowly up, she cleaned the dirt away with her clothes as she looked at it with little tears in her eyes.

Atlas sighed as he stood up and took out one of his weapons. It was very large and looked very strong.

"It's better you cover your ears, Princess," he said as he looked at Fearyn and waited for her to do it.

Fearyn hesitated for a second but moved her hands to her ears as she watched how Atlas loaded his gun and shot two times at the hole.

The witch turned fast around and knelt herself down as she closed her eyes.

The brown-haired one moved a little back as he stopped shooting and watched how the earth was still flying around.

Fearyn finally opened her eyes and slowly turned around as she was still on her knees.

She moved slowly up and walked with little steps to Atlas who looked very focused. His gun was still pointed at the hole, like he waited for something.

Fearyn's steps didn't stop, she walked closer and closer to the brown-haired one until he suddenly said "Don't come any closer."

The witch stopped moving while looking confused, but her confusion turned fast to shock as she saw how a plant moved out of the hole.

But before it could do anything, Atlas shot the plant in two.

Fearyn sighed in relief as she walked behind Atlas and looked down at the whole.

The hole was dark, bloody and full of dead plants. She knew it was Mattheo who tried to free himself.

"I think to rescue your little friends we should jump in" said Atlas as he looked from the hole to Fearyn who swallowed but agreed.

"But not today, it's getting dark, and I think we're tired of walking" continued Atlas as he threw his backpack on the ground and laid his head on it while his weapon was still in his hands.

Fearyn sighed but agreed again, they didn't know what there was. Which was why they were now resting to regain their strength.

"Don't worry princess, I'm protecting women who don't want to kill me" said Atlas as he closed his eyes and heard how Fearyn sat next to him down. She chuckled a little at Atlas words while looking at the stars who were shining slowly out.

Fearyn couldn't stop thinking about her friends, mostly her husband. She looked at her hand where his ring was lying. She cried a little tears as she just hoped that he was okay.

She hoped that he could save himself and now watched the stars she was looking at.

Maybe even close to her? Maybe he was planning Atlas' downfall because he was with her.

Her thoughts made her chuckle.

But she knew it wasn't true.

𝘌𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺!
♡ luvsyie

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