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It was all dark, there wasn't a single sign of life, everything was just black.

Fearyn slowly began to wake up and saw that just darkness was around her.

As the witch stood up, she began to massage her eyes, hoping for a short moment that she didn't see right.

But it wasn't so, everything remained black.

Fearyn turned around, thinking that there must be something here.

But it wasn't.

The black and the silence remained.

The witch started to move, she made slow steps while still looking around.

She heard everything she did, every single step, which frightened her a little.

The girl tried to stay calm and kept walking.

But the path had no end.

She could run straight on and on, but she would find nothing.

Fearyn closed her eyes, trying not to panic.

She just stood there her body tense, her hands covering her face. She wanted to scream, just scream into the darkness.

But suddenly she heard two voices.

She looked to her left and couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Her mother, with her when she was smaller.

Fearyn put her trembling hands on her chest as she slowly walked towards her mother and her little self.

When she stopped, she realized it was a memory, a beautiful memory that she shared with her mother.

They were baking cookies for Christmas because Fearyn wanted them so badly.

The white-haired girl saw that she was full of flour and Alice began to laugh while she cleaned her.

This sight made Fearyn's heart melt with joy.

Until she heard another voice behind her.

She turned around and saw a moment between her father, her mother, and her.

Fearyn swallowed hard as she realized what that moment was. She wanted to close her eyes but she couldn't, it wasn't working.

Fearyn's heart began to break as she watched her mother slowly weaken.

The witch didn't want to see it again, she couldn't.

But she continued to watch her angry father, closing the door as her mother bled to death.

In front of little Fearyn.


"Love wake up!" said Mattheo louder to her while having the witch in his arms.

The Lord woke up from Fearyn's soft crying and the way she tossed and turned in fear.

"Wake up it's just a dream," said Mattheo again while he started to shake her.

He couldn't see this, he wiped over five minutes her tears away but that brought nothing.

Mattheo put Fearyn on his lap when he realized the whining was getting worse.

He grabbed her arms and began to shake her a little harder because the slow, careful shaking wasn't helping.

And suddenly Fearyn sat up, breathing heavily.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 | 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙤 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now