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The white-haired one woke slowly up, she heard a voice that was unfamiliar to her.

Fearyn opened her eyes and heard a whisper. She sat up and saw that she was completely alone in the room.

The witch wanted to know where the sound was coming from and stood up.

As she started to walk around the room, the voice got louder. "Fearyn, Fearyn come here."

The girl noticed it was coming from Mattheo's backpack. She was completely confused and afraid of going crazy.

Fearyn walked closer to the backpack and the whisper became louder. She knelt down and slowly opened the bag to take the book.

"Fearyn," she heard again and realized it wasn't coming from the book.

Her eyes began to light up green and she looked up.

Where her mother was standing.


Fearyn sat fast up, she looked around and her breathing was very fast.

The girl looked beside her and saw Mattheo peacefully sleeping. She looked around the room and sighs deeply while she realized it was a dream.

Fearyn's gaze went in Mattheo's direction, she moved over him and looked at the floor where the backpack lay

She carefully got up and hoped not to wake her husband while she walked around the bed to the bag.

The witch opened it carefully and took the mysterious book out and walked with the book to the table. She opened it and looked at the familiar pictures.

All this was confusing for her, she had the feeling that she already saw this before.

The witch looked at the pages and shook her head, this was too familiar to her. Fearyn looked at the whole book and didn't notice how slowly the sun came out.

Mattheo woke up and looked next to him, but when he didn't see the witch, his eyes widened and he looked all over the room.

Until he saw her on the desk.

The lord calm himself down and was curious about what his love was doing.

He stood up, walked slowly in her direction, and put his strong hands on her shoulders while he leaned closer to her and their cheeks were touching.

"What are you doing Fearyn?" asked Mattheo and kissed her cheek while he looked at the book and kneeled in front of the table.

The Lord took it and saw a page where a witch was flying and lighting. "Do you have any idea what this means?" asked the husband his wife.

But she shook hesitant her head. The Riddle nodded while he looked at her a little suspiciously, "It's alright, maybe we can figure it out with the others, come on I'm hungry"

After Mattheo and Fearyn changed into their Slytherin Uniform, they walked into the hall and saw their Friends sitting at the Slytherin table.

"What's up my babies," said Theodore and winked at Fearyn who blushed a little. The Lord looked at his friend with raised eyebrows and slapped him on his head after he sat down.

Theo laughed at his reaction and started to eat his breakfast, while Pansy rolled her eyes at him and asked the group, "And do you guys have any ideas about the book?"

Everyone shook their heads but Mattheo said "Well Fearyn looked in the book again and there was a page with a witch that was flying and lighting."

"Flying and lighting?" asked Lorenzo confused and looked at Fearyn who just stared at her eating and didn't move because Azar was walking behind the Slytherin's.

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