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"We're fucking trapped in school!" screamed Theodore and fell on Mattheo's bed. "My childhood nightmare came true."

Mattheo rolled his eyes at the Death Eater and sighed while sitting on his chair, with Fearyn on his lap.

The other Death Eaters were searching for open doors or windows because the Lord couldn't imagine that Azar would lock himself here in the school with all these students and professors.

Fearyn and Mattheo just looked down at Theodore who was being dramatic on Mattheo's bed.

Theo fell dramatically down and yelled crying, "I need hot chocolate!"

The Lord just rolled his eyes at him and was about to throw him out of the window.

But bad news for him.

His window is locked.

Fearyn sighed and placed her head on her husband's shoulder while playing with his hand.

She strokes his hand and was so fascinated by his veins and how muscular he actually is.

Mattheo noticed this and grinned down at his wife while he started to stroke her white hair.

The Lord enjoyed this moment and was about to kiss his love until Theodore made a gagging sound.

Fearyn looked shocked and worried at the Death Eater while Mattheo looked cold and pissed off.

Theodore made a disgusting face at the two and said "Ugh go in your room loveboo's."

Mattheo sighed and massaged his forehead while the Death Eater realized that he was in Mattheo's and Fearyn's room.


Fearyn smiled and turned her head at the door where Draco, Lorenzo, and Pansy walked in.

"And?!" yelled Theodore while running to Pansy, touching her shoulders to shake her.

"No!" screamed Pansy at him and pulled him away while looking at her Lord.

"We haven't found anything," said Parkinson to Mattheo and sat down on his bed.

Pansy's answer made the Riddle now completely annoyed and he massaged his forehead again.

The whole room was quiet now, no one said anything, everyone was just confused and frustrated that they couldn't go searching the crystal.

"But why didn't we saw the Wolf? I mean we were exactly at this time outside," broke Lorenzo the silence between them.

"Maybe he is lying" answered Draco while looking at his shoes, "Or we're just blind."

"I think we should keep searching, and hope to find an open door or something," said Pansy and suddenly started to grin,  "And we should be happy that the yule ball didn't get canceled."

The boys were groaning at Pansy's words and started to discuss how dump the yule ball is.

Fearyn listened smiling at their conversation, while she kept playing with Mattheo's fingers.

"This sucks" Draco grumbled while Theodore said, "Don't forget the little ones will be there too."

"Well I like children," said Pansy, and Freayn agreed.

Mattheo raised his eyebrows while he started to grin and stroked her back again, "Oh yeah?"

The white-haired one started to blush and turned her red face to her husband while nodding and feeling how his hand moved under her shirt.

"Go in your room!" screamed the Death Eaters which made Mattheo raise his eyebrows.

The group cheeks turned red after they realized that they were in their Lord's room.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 | 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙤 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now