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"And how do you envision getting us out of here?" Pansy asked with interest as she took a few steps back, respecting witches' magic.

"Right, don't you need a pot? Or a book?" Theodore asked with equal interest, which made Atlas smile.

"No, I don't," he replied as he took Fearyn's arm to push her aside a little.

This, of course, caught Mattheo's attention as he stared emotionlessly at the guy next to his wife and how he gently placed his hand on her arm.

The male witch sighed as he stared at the grate once more and slowly moved his arms upwards.

He closed his eyes and breathed in and out deeply.

After it started to get windy.

Everyone looked intently at Atlas as the wind picked up. Mattheo's eyes narrowed as his gaze wandered from him to the grate.

It shook slightly, raising everyone's hopes. But suddenly a blue light appeared, causing a violent jolt and throwing everyone against the wall.

Everyone groaned as they sat slowly from the floor up. Some were coughing because this blue beam had released a bit of smoke.

"Fearyn are you okay?" groaned Mattheo as he stood up while looking in Fearyn's direction.

The white-haired woman nodded as she stood up shakily and looked at Atlas, who was standing there completely frozen.

"Atlas?" asked Pansy as she stepped towards the gate and touched it but it gave her an electric shock which was why she flew away.

"Pansy!" yelled Theodore as he ran towards her while looking with frowned eyebrows at the gate which shone blue.

Everyone was speechless as they stared at the grate and then at Atlas, who made a confused face.

"What happened?" Mattheo snarled at him as he stepped closer to the gate to take a closer look at the witch.

The blue color slowly disappeared after the small accident.

Mattheo touched the hot metal, it was hot, so hot that it etched away his skin and turned red, "What happened?!"

The witches looked at each other and Fearyn gulped.

"What? Fearyn, tell us," Pansy said in a slightly worried tone. "You know she doesn't talk," Theodore replied, to which Pansy rolled her eyes and put her hand over his mouth.

"Someone put a protection spell on the grate," Atlas said as he massaged his forehead and Fearyn got little tears in her eyes.

She knew the spell, and it was impossible to break it without much magic or something really, really strong.

"So?" asked Lorenzo with a raised eyebrow as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Only the one who has done this can release this protection, or something very very strong" replied the witch as he looked at Fearyn's friends.

Mattheo's body trembled because they couldn't get out and of the hot metal.

Fearyn couldn't see that, she ran to him and put her hands on his, her hands were very cold, which calmed Mattheo down, and he let go of the metal.

As Fearyn tried to comfort Mattheo, Atlas, and Lorenzo began to discuss what to do next.

"We need to find who put that spell on the door," said Atlas, "and if we can't break it, then we'll need to find something strong enough to do the job."

"But what's so strong to break it?" Draco asked with interest from the far corner as he groaned.

Everyone looked in his direction, seeing Draco getting weaker by the second. "You're still alive?" Nott asked, which was the reason why Pansy hit his shoulder, "Ouch!"

"But if we don't get out quickly, he'll die," Mattheo said in a cold tone as he looked back at Atlas.

"Try again," he ordered Atlas, who raised his eyebrows as he heard the Lord order him to do something.

The witch rolled his eyes at him but nodded as he stepped like everyone back from the metal.

Atlas moved his hands upwards, his eyes closed in concentration. He breathed in and out heavily.

It began to get windy again.

The gate shook, and the blue light reappeared. Everyone stared at it, except Atlas, hoping it would work.

But suddenly Pansy shouted, "Stop!" as the blue light grew brighter and brighter and spread further and further, throwing everyone back against the wall again.

They all groaned and had the feeling that they were about to break all their bones, but that wasn't the case.

"Fuck! Are you that weak?!" Mattheo shouted at Atlas as he went to the great and touched it again, but he didn't mind the heat.

The brown-haired witch looked at Mattheo with a slight look of hatred as he stood up and walked in his direction while saying with anger, "Excuse me?"

"I'm stronger than you think! What's wrong with you, huh? Aren't you a fucking dark lord?!" He shouted at him.

"I promise you when I get out of here I'll kill you!" shouted Mattheo at him back as he shook the hot metal. "Trust me, I'm very strong you fucking witch!"

"Oh yeah?! I don't see it!" yelled Atlas, Mattheo wanted to grab his neck, but Fearyn stepped between them, and Theodore pushed the Lord away from the gate.

"Be fucking quiet!" yelled Nott as he looked at Atlas and his friend who were looking at each other in hate.

"Otherwise we will die because of you!" he continued while breathing heavily in and out.

"No we will no-" said Mattheo as he rolled his eyes at Theodore but he got interrupted by a cold voice.

"Oh, yes you will."

Everyone turned in the direction the deep voice was coming from.


"How sweet, my daughter, and a funny one on the way to save their little friends." Fearyn's father said as he chuckled.

"Too bad it won't work, though."

Azar walked towards them. The others stepped back, swallowed, but showed no fear.

They just weren't in the mood for Azar's games or sudden attacks.

Mattheo, however, didn't step back. Instead, he moved his chin up, his eyes fixed on Azar as he said, "We will find a way to escape and kill you, Azar."

Azar stopped walking, his cold eyes fixed on Mattheo.

He said nothing for a moment but then smiled.

"Brave, but foolish," Azar said, "You will never escape. Because I will kill you."

Mattheo chuckled as he shook his head a little while holding eye contact.

"And now that you're all here..." Azar began as he walked closer to Mattheo. "Is it going to happen now."

"What?" asked Theodore as they all suddenly heard a loud deep scream.

The Lord's chuckle disappeared, not because he was scared.

He couldn't protect Fearyn in this fucking cell. Again.

Trust me, next chapter will be very...

𝘌𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺!
♡ luvsyie

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