I Should Have Known Chapter 7

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Here’s a little Authors note before the chapter for once just to change things around. Watch out for the change in point of views it happens a ton this chapter. Sorry I wanted you to see everyone’s POV on what happened in the last chapter.

***Dane’s POV***

“Damnit!” I scream as I walked out of Cale’s house! “Why the hell did you kiss me?” I said turning towards Anna. “Well you're hot and Taylor needs to be brought down a notch. She thinks she all that, amazing, smart, athletic, popular, nice but she’s not I am wayyyy better than her.” she said with a smirk.

“To hell your not!” What person would betray their best friend like that!” I said my voice calm and deadly. “Well apparently you since you kissed me right back.” Anna said while sauntering off to her own car.

Damn it I can’t believe I lost her. I thought she was the one. HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO DUMB AS TO KISS ANNA! What is wrong with me that I can’t just stay with one girl! I guess I also just wanted to prove that I could have anything that Cale could. It’s been that way since he dated Emily who I had liked since 8th grade..

***Anna’s POV***

It felt so awkward to be here right now. The only reason I was ever really even friends with Taylor was because I wanted to be popular. Back in middle school I was the IT girl. I was who everyone wanted to be. Back in 6th and 7th grade Taylor was the smart shy girl that sat and quietly read a book in the back of the room

But by 8th grade she started to get into sports. Turns out she was amazingly fast and good at volleyball, basketball, and track. People started to notice her and she started to notice people. She started dressing like a normal person and started doing that long blonde hair of hers.

She started speaking up in class and never let anyone push her over. She still stayed true to her friends even once she became part of the in crowd. Unlike the rest of us cool girls she was super nice and sickly sweet to everyone.

Once we got into Highschool I figured she would learn her place and start to act like the rest of us, but she never did. I befriended her taking her under my wing trying to get her to see the error of her ways but it backfired on me.Because of how sweet she was everyone liked her all the more.

Soon she was more popular than any of us. Damn I hated her from that point on. I always figured one day I would find what would break her and send her back to being that little girl she was in 7th grade. Then I could go back to being the queen bee and High School would work like it was suppose to.

As soon as she walked in I couldn’t help but let the smirk settle on my face. I noticed her red eyes and dark circles under them. Maybe this was it. I finally found the thing that would make her break, and it was under my nose the whole time.

But as soon as Dane started talking to her and she stood up for herself I knew that once again I had lost. I had bet my reputation on her breaking and she turned out to be too strong to break. Now at school I would be known as the man stealer. Nobody would like me. Shit I had lost everything because of how bitchy I was.

***Cale’s POV***

I can’t believe the nerve of that guy to show up here after what he did. It’s taking all I have not to punch him right now. I just hope Taylor gets back from her run soon because I don't know how long I can handle all of this.

Just as soon as I thought that I heard the front door open and say Taylor walk in. Wow she looked great. Her blonde hair was pulled into a messy french braid and all of her hair that was too short to fit in the braid naturally curled into little ringlets. She was tall, lean, and fit. Yet best of all was the fact that she looked genuinely happy.

As soon as she started to fight back against Dane I knew that it was all over. She was really and truly over him.

As soon as Dane said  "I will win you back. I love you and I always will. And he will never get you, I will because I always win in the end."I wanted to scream at him to hell with you! THis was never about winning this was about the girl I loved!

How can Dane be so low. So low as to think that I wanted this to happen. That I wanted my best friend’s heart to break into pieces. To have my best friend crying for the first time since the accident. To have to see that look of pain on her face while she tried so hard not to cry. Damn him I would have done anything to protect her from that. ANYTHING!

Besides what did he mean I would never get her. I already had her. She was my best friend I loved her. Then the realization hit me. I. LOVED. HER.

***Author’s Note***

Hey everyone so finally I got 5 votes ad could post this chapter yay! I know I know this is more of a filler chapter, but some major things were revealed. So I have written the next chapter already too so I am asking for two comments and 5 votes (I know I know I am pushing it!) before I post it! Love you all please please comment/vote/fan! Plus This update is 2 pages WOO! LONGEST EVER FOR ME! AND GUYS OH MY GOSH THANK YOU OVER 150 READS WOO! By the time I posted the last chapter I barley had 50!

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