I Should Have Known Chapter 23

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            Then I said I it out loud. "Cale may never wake up again." and the tears started to pour all over again. Saying it out loud only made the realization hit me harder.

            I quickly ate some food off of the tray and pulled my tray over to where Cale lay and wrapped the blanket around myself and grabbed Cale's hand.

            I slowly brought his hand up to lips and gently kissed each knuckle. "Please Cale wake up, wake up for me." I slowly drifted off into a fitful sleep filled with nightmares of a dead Cale.

***End of Recap***

            "We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of one of our own, Cale Parker. Only a few days ago, Cale was a happy, healthy young man who was looking forward to a long and wonderful life. Like most people his age, he never considered that he would soon leave this world. 

            Those friends and family members who spoke to him and saw him in the days prior to his accident will always remember him as a loving, caring and happy young man with a lot dreams and ambitions.

            His parents, Ellie and Dan, had raised their son and were preparing to watch him blossom into full manhood. Their love and pride for Cale was, and still is, so very great.

            If there is one thing that is hard for mortal human beings to consider, it is the fact that we do not always control our future. That future is in the hands of Almighty God.

            When Cale left home on that fateful day, neither he nor his parents could foresee the events that would forever impact them before the sun rose again. 

            Life is uncertain at best and, all too often, the things that happen seem so unfair.

            James 4:14, "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

            Today Cale has been called away by God and he has now gone home to meet the Lord. He was given to us, and especially to his parents and family, as a gift from Heaven to bring joy and happiness into life for a brief time.

            Now God has ordained that Cale should be taken from us because God loved him and desired to take him home. Today we say goodbye to Cale, not forever though. One day we shall be greeted by him and walk the streets of Heaven with him.

            And now we bury not Cale, but the shell of him. His spirit has left us and he is now in a glorified body with the Lord watching down on us." the preacher stopped talking and Dan and Ellie stepped forward and let go of their handfuls of dirt. I watched as the dirt slowly fell through the air to rest on top of Cale's coffin. I saw everyone looking at me. It was my turn to pick up the handful of dirt and say my goodbyes to Cale but I couldn't do it, so instead I turn and ran.

            I woke up gasping for breath and my body was covered in a light sheen of sweat. I turned and looked just to make sure Cale was still lying in that bed breathing with tubes and wires sticking in his body. I had the same dream every night for the past week.

            That's right Cale had been in a coma for a week, for seven whole days he had just lied there none responsive to the world. The doctors had grown less and less hopeful by the day. Each second that he was asleep he drifted closer and closer to death. He drifted farther and farther away from me.

***Author's Note***

Yay you must really hate me now! Yeah I'm so sorry for scaring the poop out of you by making you think Cale was dead but I felt like it had to be done. Well not much news here so hope you enjoyed the chapter and go vote/comment/follow!

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