I Should Have Known Chapter 9

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As I walked out the door I knew this was it. I was finally letting my demons free. I knew they wouldn't want me to be down here blaming myself for what happened. They would want me to be living my life to the max. They wouldn't want me to be blaming myself and hating every day that I lived that they didn't get to. Even if my parents did blame me. I'm done with it. I'm finally moving on.

***End of Recap***

***Taylor’s POV***

As I put my key in the lock turning it until I heard the familiar Click. This was it. Here we go. I pulled the key out of the lock while letting out the breathe I didn’t know I had been holding. I looked down at my little blue key. I remember after I saw the Zoey101 episode where she painted her key and hung it around her neck I painted my own key blue with sparkly blue nail polish and had it on my neck ever since.

I looked down at it one last time before I turned towards the park across the street and threw the key as far and hard as I could. Another tie cut. I thought. Just a few more and all the ties to my parents will be cut.

Wow that sounded harsh. I mean my parents do pay for my food, car, etc. but I mean that’s just it, they're my biological parents. I don’t love them. They don’t love me. They gave my nothing more than my DNA, but that wasn’t all it use to be.

“Hey you ready I have a surprise planned for tonight.” said a deep masculine voice behind me. I turned around and saw Cale. There he was tall lean dressed in shorts, flip flops, and a  v-neck t-shirt. I could see why so many girls at school always drooled all over him. To most girls he just looked like sex on a stick, but everytime I looked at him I still saw the little 4 year old boy with blue eyes and blonde hair that smiled at my from across the street the day I moved to this small little Texas town.

“Surprise as in..” I said with a smile knowing what the surprise was since I was invited and was suppose to go with Dane.

“As in we are going to a party at the lake tonight and show everyone what they are missing out on.” Cale said with a devious look on his face.

“Okay I said give me an hour to get ready and we will go and have some fun tonight!” I said with a laugh knowing that tonight was gonna be a helluva party! An hour later I was dressed in short blue shorts a white t-shirt and sandals with a blue bikini on underneath with my hair tossed up in a messy bun.

“Damn you take forever to get ready Tay!” Cale said while playing a game on his phone and walking towards the door with his car keys in hand. Right then though Daisey the yellow lab that Cale had gotten when he was 14 ran right underneath Cale’s feet and BAM! Cale was kissing the ground.

“Hahahahahahaha!” I couldn’t stop laughing at how hilarious this whole thing was. Not even when Cale got up mumbling something like “Son a bitch that hurt, speaking of bitches where the hell did Daisey go.”

Finally able to stop laughing long enough to be able to talk “That was smooth.” I said with a chuckle. “Now come on lets go to the party!

When we got to the lake the party was in full swing. There was a big bonfire going and tiki torches surrounding the whole area. Someone had brought two big speakers and music was pounding out at full blast. Everyone had their truck beds open and food and drinks in the back.

Basically it was your typical high school party, but it was gonna be one helluva party for this small town! Already some people were getting drunk and doing crazy things. Some people were already making out in the backseat of cars and doing god knows what.

As soon as I got out of the car I saw people start whispering. Damn I didn’t think everyone would already know about what had happened after school on friday. Supergirl by saving Jane was playing. Screw them, tonight I’m supergirl.

I'm the life of the party

So contagious

All the boys wanna catch me

But I'm just playin'


One, Two come and see what I can do


Two, Three everybodys after me


Three, Four let me tell you what's in store

Lets go, everybody on the floor

I'm supergirl

I'm everywhere

I'm flashing lights

They stop and stare

I'm fire red

I'm on a roll

I'm in your head and everybody knows

I'm, I'm, I'm supergirl

I'm the perfect disaster

You can't stop me

Coming faster and faster

But you just watch me [you just watch me]


Five, Six don't you want a little fix


Countdown, get a little crazy now


Nine, Ten see me work the room and then

Hold on ready here we go again

I'm supergirl

I'm everywhere

I'm flashing lights

They stop and stare

I'm fire red

I'm on a roll

I'm in your head and everybody knows

I'm, I'm, I'm supergirl

Just then I saw Dane. There he was. The gorgeous infamous bad boy player of the town. But he wasn’t alone. O no of course just a day after we break up he already has some slut going after him thinking she will be the one to tame him.

He had a bleach blonde bimbo with a bad dye job on each arm. They were both wearing possibly the sluttiest clothes ever. Well I guess that’s if you consider a piece of fabric that covers almost nothing clothes.

Then after Dane was done shoving his tongue down her throat he looked up and saw me. He just winked at me and went back to his little personal whore. I looked around and saw that everyone was looking at me.

“Let’s give them something to look at shall we?” I heard Cale whisper in my ear while leading me towards the dance floor. Levels by Avicii came on and we started to dance.

We were every where. All over each other. We were grinding on each other hands roaming over each other’s bodies. His hands were sliding up and down my thighs as I closed any distance between our two bodies.

My hands were in his hair, trailing down his bare chest. Our eyes never left each other staring straight into the others. Our bodies moved in sync with each other, trusting and knowing exactly what the other was going to do. Then all of a sudden Cale was gone.

***Author’s Note***

Hi everyone sorry for the slow update! I am really getting into the more dramatic parts of the story so it is getting harder to figure everything out! Also the picture on the side is what Taylor wore to the party! I also had a track meet on friday! I got 1st place in high jump, 2nd place in my 4x400 relay, and 3rd place in hurdles! So I placed for all my events YAY! I also had my states big Standardized tests so my brain was fried all week. I tried to make the updates longer! I should be able to update again tuesday night! Love you all please vote/comment/fan!

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