I Should Have Known Chapter 26

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            Another sobbed wracked my body. I would never have anymore memories with him. I would never have a future with him. Just a past. He was just another missing puzzle piece in my life. Another piece that I would never find hiding in between the coach cushions or under the bed.

            I felt someone gently wipe away my tears with a tissue. They gently brushed away each tear that fell. I felt a hand holding up my chin. I voice quietly said "Open your eyes." and I did just that. "He's alive."

***End Of Recap***

            "Adeline?" I said the confusion clouding my voice. "I must be dreaming, your dead. You've been dead for thirteen years. I've been alone for thirteen years Addie."

            "I know. I'm sorry we had to leave you but it was all part of the plan." A confused look covered my face at her words. "At first I was confused too but now I see everything unfolding, and what a wonderful plan it is."

            "How is it so wonderful. My brothers and sisters were all killed at once leaving me alone and alive. My parents hate me because I lived and now the only boy I've ever loved is dead." I said crying.

            "I felt like that at the beginning too. I didn't see how it was fair that we all died and you lived but now I do. None of us were as strong as you. None of us could have done the things you have done. But now all I can say is sorry. I'm sorry that we all had to leave you alone but it was part of the plan." My sister said holding my hand.

            "What damn plan? Who's damn plan? What kind of plan kills four innocent kids!" I said angrily.

            "All I can say is that it's the plan. It's his plan and it is glorious. I'm not suppose to be here but he let me. He said you needed me. He was right. You needed me to tell you this now." she said calmly looking into my blue eyes with her matching eyes.

            "Tell me what?" I said softly hanging on my sisters every word.

            "That things will get worse but you'll pull through. That everything that happens to you will be for a reason. You have a purpose Taylor. You have a task to complete that will make the world such a brighter place and it's all apart of the plan." Adeline said brushing back a stray piece of my hair.

            "I miss you Addie." I said effulging my sister in a hug.

            "I missed you too Taylor but I don't have much time left with you. You have to go along with the plan, I know it'll be hard but you have to never give up. Promise me you'll never give up." Addie said untangling herself from my arms and taking both my hands in hers.

            "I promise I'll never give up." I said sincerely looking into my sisters eyes.

            "Thank you, never forget the promise that you made here. Now you have to wake up and go to him and give him the strength to go on." Addie said standing up and walking away from me.  

            "He's alive?" I softly whispered not believing it.

            "He's alive and awake." said my sister. "He's weak but he's alive. Now you have to put on your brave face and go see him and tell him how much you love him. Right now he needs you more than you could ever imagine. Now open your eyes and wake up and go to him." she took another step away from me.

            "Your not real are you?" I said disappointment overwhelming me.

            "Darling I'm more real than the nose on your face." she said taking another step away from me. She was clothed in a flowing white dress that looked as if it was made from the finest silk. She slowly stretched and wings slid out from behind her back, they were white and covered in a soft down of feathers.

            I gasped as the realization struck me.  "Your an angel aren't you?" I said looking at my sister who was quickly becoming hazing.

            "I'm not just an angel darling, I'm your angel." she said before disappearing.  I could feel my eyes getting heavier and my movements slower and slower. My eyes closed and the black void consumed me.

            I slowly opened my eyes and was met with the sight of a white hall way. I could hear the voices of doctors and nurses again. I could smell the strong, sickening scent of disinfectant cleaners.

            I saw doctors leaving Cole's room with smiles on their faces. I heard the mutterings of the words alive, awake, miracle.

            I stood up and let the warm blanket slid off my shoulders. I walked over to the door to Cale's room and slowly opened it.

            I slid inside his room and quickly shut the door behind me. The room's only light was coming from a small lamp that rested on the night stand beside Cale's bed.

            My eyes slid over to the boy lying in the hospital bed. His skin was sunken in at places and looked pale as if it belonged to a corpse and not a living breathing eighteen year old boy.

            The most startling thing about him was not his body but his eyes, his blue eyes which were wide open and staring at me.

            "Taylor?" said a voice that cracked and was horse. "Is it you?"

***Author's Note***

Dun dun dun! Hello peoples sorry for the long awaited update! I just wrote this in an hour! Aren't you proud of me! Sorry I haven't been in the writing mood, at least this is twice as long as one of my normal updates! I am really going to try and finish this book before I started school in August so I will be pushing the updates faster and faster. As for those of you who have forgotten Adeline (Addie) was Taylor's sister that died in the car accident. Please don't forget to vote/comment/ follow! Thanks for checking out this story and it would mean a great deal to me if you checked out my short story "The Last Wish" for those of you who have checked it out thank you so much for getting it to #65 in short stories!

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