I Should Have Known Chapter 17

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                             ****IMPORTANT NOTE AT BOTTOM!****


I crashed my lips to his and felt the spark shoot through my body. My hands tangled in his silky damp hair.

I could feel his arms wrapping around me pulling me closer. One arm went around my waist helping to hold me up and pulling me closer. One of his hands found it’s way to my hair and tangled in it.

I had never felt like this before. So perfect, so right. HIs soft, full lips fit perfectly on mine. My body felt like it was made for his.

I could feel my heart beating so fast it was impossible. If I was dreaming I never want to wake up.

Cale nibbled on my bottom lip asking for entrance. I willing opened my mouth for him. O god dear god how good of a kisser was he!

I could feel his tongue exploring my mouth as I explored his. Both of us fighting for dominance. Eventually I had to let him win. The effect he was having on me just by kissing me was amazing.

Finally we had both run out of breathe and we broke apart. He put his forehead against mine and close his eyes. I could feel both of our bodys panting trying to catch our breath. My fingers lightly traced over his kiss swollen red lips and smile playing out on my face. I could feel his thumb tracing my bottom swollen lip.

“I love you Taylor Brook.” Cale said holding me tighter.

“I love you Cale Parker” I said totally and utterly meaning it.

***End of Recap***

Cale crashed his lips back to mine. His soft full lips fit like they were made for me. And maybe he was made for me. His hands tangled in my hair again. How did he know that turned me on so much.

He bit my bottom lip pleading for entrance. And who was I to deny him it. I opened my mouth and our tongues locked in a battle that was as old as time itself. I tangled one of my hands in his hair marveling at the silkiness of it.

As we broke apart for air once again we heard catcalls and people yelling out “Get a room” Most of the people that knew us thought just had smiles or looks of shock on their faces.

Cale just chuckled while tightening his hold on my waist, bringing me closer to him.

“I guess that was a pretty big shocker for everyone,” I said breathily into his ear.

“It was a shocker to me too, I didn't dare to dream that you would wear the locket. I always thought that you just thought of me as a brother.” Cale said while running his thumb across my lips.

“I liked you all through middle school. When Dane asked me out freshmen year I thought maybe if I went out with him I would forget about you. And I kind of did. I just pushed you to the back of my head, made myself think you would only ever say I love you in a brotherly way. Only ever love me as a sister not a lover.” I said spilling my heart to the man I trusted most in the world.

“I’ve always loved you as a lover but had to mask it as loving you as a sister.” Cale said his forehead against mine. His words were music to my ears. I leaned in and kissed him with all the love I could muster.

“I love you.” Cale said breaking the kiss.

“Say it again,” I begged.

“I love you.” Cale said smiling while smashing his lips back to mine. After a few seconds of our kissing we heard someone cough behind us and we broke apart.

“Is there something you would like to tell us?” Ellie and Don came up behind us.

Cale and I both looked at each other and communicate with our eyes.

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