I Should Have Known Chapter 22

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***Important information in Author's Note***

            There he was in all his glory. All 6' 6'' of him scrunched up in the hospital bed. I could see some blood matted in his blonde strait hair and his eyes lids were closed.

            Whenever I said his name I didn't hear a response and that only heightened my sense of worry.

            I walked over to his bed side and pulled a chair over. I sat down and brushed the hair away from his eyes and held his hand.

            What could I do in a situation like this? What was I suppose to do in a situation like this. The last time this happened I lost four siblings to death and lost my parents to life. This just couldn't happen with Cale. How could fate be so cruel as to leave me totally alone in this world?

            And alone I would be if Cale wasn't here with me. He has been my best friend, my brother, and now my lover. He is everything.

            The doctor came in fifteen minutes later and told me Cale was in a coma. Ellie and Don were on there way back but they couldn't get here for at least another day due to road closers because of the horrendous rain. The rain that had cause Cale's truck to crash, the rain that could have killed Cale.

            "Would you like me to send a nurse with a blanket and a pillow for you?" the doctor said looking at me. I must have been quite a sight to see. A girl dripping water with her hair looking like a rats nest bawling her eyes out  and sitting by a young man in a coma.

            "Yes please."  I said in a quite voice and the doctor left. Just a few minutes later an older woman in her mid sixties came in bearing a blanket, a pillow, and a tray of food.

            "Here you go beautiful. I want you to eat that tray then go to sleep. You need the rest just as much as he does." she said in a singsong voice.

            "Thank you but I don't think I will be eating or sleeping anytime soon." I said the tears welling up in my eyes again.

            "Honey I can see it plain as day on your face you love him but you have to get some rest and eat. Now I'll be back in a half hour and I expect you to have finished that tray and be cuddled up ready to go to sleep." and with that said she left the room.

            Was it really that obvious that I was head over heels in love with my best friend? We hadn't even been dating for twenty four hours before he was in the crash and sent into a coma he may never wake up from.

            Then I said I it out loud. "Cale may never wake up again." and the tears started to pour all over again. Saying it out loud only made the realization hit me harder.

            I quickly ate some food off of the tray and pulled my tray over to where Cale lay and wrapped the blanket around myself and grabbed Cale's hand.

            I slowly brought his hand up to lips and gently kissed each knuckle. "Please Cale wake up, wake up for me." I slowly drifted off into a fitful sleep filled with nightmares of a dead Cale.

***Author's Note***

Okay well I hoped you all liked it! I don't have too much to say except for one important thing. When an If this book gets 25,000 views I will write a squeal.  And just to clarify no the book is not over yet! So yeah um go spread the word and do your thing!

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