I Should Have Known Chapter 12 (Part 1)

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By the time we got there I noticed she was passed out cold. I got her into the house and tucked her in my bed. I went off into the kitchen to get a glass of water and some Advil because Taylor was going to have a headache from hell in the morning.

I hate what had happened with Dane. I mean we were just dancing. Just dancing, thats all it could be right. Dancing. 

I liked Taylor back in the 8th grade but I thought I had taken care of that with Emily. I had dated her to get over Taylor. Then it hit me.

I am falling in love with Taylor Brooks, my best friend.

***End of Recap***

***Taylor’s POV***

“Uggghhhhh” I groaned. My head was already pounding and my mouth felt like I had cotton balls in it. I opened my eyes and what little light shone in through the blinds sent spikes through my head. 

I saw two advil tablets and a glass of water sitting on the night stand. Thank you God for Cale, I thought. I grabbed the advil and downed the glass of water with them. 

As I stood up I felt wuzzy. Damn how much did I drink last night? What did I do last night? The last thing I remember was slapping Dane and then grabbing a beer. 

“Hey beautiful, how ya feeling?” Cale said walking into his room in basketball shorts with no shirt on. 

Wow he did look really good without a shirt on, drool worthy really. Wait what the hell am I thinking! He is my best friend! Why am I thinking about running my hands over that sexy body? Why did I just call my best friends body sexy? Ugh enough Taylor! 

“Probably just as good as I look.” I said in a hoarse voice. 

“Well in the case you would be on top of the world because your always gorgeous.” Cale said with a sweet smile.

We spent the rest of the weekend just hanging out and talking.

The Next Morning 






O glorious friggen Monday mornings. Screw you just screw you. No one likes you! I thought while hitting the snooze button on my alarm.






Grrrr it can’t have been ten minutes already? I dragged myself out from underneath the warm covers of my bed.

I stumbled to my bathroom turning on the shower as cold as it would go. As I stepped into the icy water I let out a small squeak, okay maybe it wasn’t so small. 

Holy shiz nitz on toast that will wake you up fast! I quickly turned the water warmer so I wouldn’t freeze to death.

I quickly washed my hair with my favorite wild berry shampoo and conditioner. 

As I got out I quickly blow dried my hair and then I added some curled it in big loose curls. I decided to just use light make up that day going with a little bit of a sparkly nude eye shadow and some mascara.

I grabbed a cute skirt short white skirt that was lacey and a long sleeved button up light blue shirt that had a white lace collar. I grabbed my pair of white  three inch heels that had a light blue sole and slipped them on. 

I walked out of my room right as Cale walked out of the shower that was across from his room. 

He only had a towel wrapped around his waist and I could see his sexy washboard abs that lead to a sexy V that disappeared below his towel. His hair was wet and messy and he had droplets of water rolling down his body.

“Morning.” He said while his eyes roamed up my bare legs eventually landing on my eyes.

“Morning.” I said feeling a blush rising to my cheeks. I can’t believe I just check out my best friend! What the hell is going on with me? 

I quickly walked away mumbling about grabbing a bite to eat. I grabbed a bowl of frosted flakes and a glass of Orange juice. I ate as fast as I could before grabbing my car keys and walking out the door just as Cale came out of his room.

***Author’s Note***

Sorry for the short chapter guys! I really wanted to update tonight so it was short! I will post the other half of the chapter tomorrow night! Also guys I was thinking about the last few chapters of the book and what would happen in the two before it and I literally started to cry. I even started to write them before I had even started the first chapter of the book. I already have everything planned out and thinking about those last chapters and how hard they would be to write. It will be super hard for me to do that to my charcters and to you all! Well sorry for my emotional rant love you all vote/comment/fan pwease!  

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