I Should Have Known Chapter 11

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   As I pulled Taylor to the middle of the dance floor Levels by Avicii came on. I could feel the beat already.

Taylor turned around and started to dance. He whole body moved in perfect time to the music. She ground her body into mine.

I could feel her nails tracing a path on my bare back. Her hands ran up and down my chest, across my six pack then back up through my hair.

I could feel my hands running over her long legs pulling her body into mine. Closer, closer, until there was no room in between us. My hands wound in her silky smooth blonde hair then back down to the soft skin of her legs.

Why did this feel so right? Why did everytime I touch her sparks flew. Was I falling in Love with my best friend? Dear God what's happening?

All of a sudden I felt something hard hit my face. Starts burst behind my eyes and my cheek started to throb.  Then someone push me to the floor. What the hell?

***End of Recap***

What the hell? I turned around and there they were. Cale and Dane were on the floor fighting. How the hell? Cale was just dancing with me.

Dane had the upper hand because Cale had been surprised. I could already see a black eye forming where Dane punched Cale while we were dancing.

All of a sudden Dane swung as hard as he could and Cale just managed to move his head out of the way in time.

All of a sudden Cale managed to turn the tables and Dale was now ont he bottom of the two. Cale swung and nail Dane right in the nose. Blood started to gush out of Dane’s now crooked nose.

I knew I had to stop this before anyone got seriously hurt or some one called the cops and Cale got arrested. 

“WHAT THE FUCKING HELL DANE!” I screamed as loud as I could hoping that would get them to stop. 

Both boys looked up at me.

I took in the damage they had done to each other. Dane had a blood nose that looked like it was broken. His left eye was currently turning a nasty shade of black too. Cale’s right eye was turned black and he had a nasty greenish blueish bruise forming on his jaw. 

Both boy hurriedly separated wanting to be far away from the other. 

I walked up to Dane with a scowl already on my face. I shoved my finger at his chest. “What the fucking hell is wrong with you?” I scream right in his face.

“What the hell do you think sweet heart! I want his hands off you. You are mine get use to that!” Dane said cold and calmly.

“I am sure as hell not yours” I said while making air quotation marks with my fingers at the word “yours”. "I haven't been yours since the day you decided to walk you little sorry cheating ass up to my best friend and kiss her."

I heard everyone start to mutter. I knew that they knew we had broken up courtesy of Anna, but I guess they didn't know the nitty gritty details.

“Sweet Heart, he just wants you because I had you.” Dane said with a smirk while reaching for my waist. 

“Get your dirty, cheating, lying, son of a bitches’ hands off me.” I said in a deadly whisper right before I slapped him across to cheek, hard. “Cale is more of a man than you’ll ever be. He is my best friend and love me because I’m me.” I said before storming off towards the nearest cooler.

Two hours later and 3 beers I was finally having some fun.  Who ever the DJ was he was badass. He started a song off with “Blame it on the Alcohol” then mixed in the Timeflies Tuesday's version. Soon everyone was singing along.

Blame it on the goose

Got you feeling loose

Blame it on Patron

Got you in the zone

Blame it on the a a a a a alcohol

Blame it on the a a a a a alcohol

Blame it on the vodka

Blame it on the henny

Blame it on the blue top

Got you feeling dizzy

Blame it on the a a a a a alcohol

Blame it on the a a a a a a alcohol

I grabbed another beer. I already had a good buzz going but tonight that wasn't gonna cut it. I want to get so drunk I will have no shit what happened in the morning. 

Two beers later I knew I was drunk. “Commmeeee onnnnn letttts goooo dannnceee!” Amy I girl that played on the softball team said while pulling me to  the dance floor.

I danced my ass off. I didn’t give a shit about who I dance with, who I grinded against, or what the hell happened. I was too far gone.” Blammme itt onnn the Boozee gottt youoo in the zonneee.” I heard my self slur along to the song.

I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my body. I sunk into the embrace feeling a warm, tall, lean body behind me.  I put my hands in whoevers hair it was. He had short pin straight soft hair. I grinded up and who ever this sexy mystery guy was.  

Then I felt someone pick me up and sling me over their shoulder carrying me away before I passed out.

***Cole’s POV***

Finally I found Taylor. She was dancing like there was no tomorrow. I could tell she was pretty drunk considering under normal circumstances she would never be dancing like that.

I went up behind wrapping my arms around her so I could pull her out of there. I felt her melt into my arms. I could smell her perfume, a flowery sweet scent that filled my nose. 

I felt Taylor grind her body into mine it time to the song. Her soft hands ran through my hair tugging on it gently. 

I knew I couldn’t stand much more of this without my body starting to respond to her. I picked her up slinging her over my shoulder and carried her to the car.

I buckled her up in the passenger seat and started to drive home.

By the time we got there I noticed she was passed out cold. I got her into the house and tucked her in my bed. I went off into the kitchen to get a glass of water and some Advil because Taylor was going to have a headache from hell in the morning.

I hate what had happened with Dane. I mean we were just dancing. Just dancing, thats all it could be right. Dancing. 

I liked Taylor back in the 8th grade but I thought I had taken care of that with Emily. I had dated her to get over Taylor. Then it hit me.

I am falling in love with Taylor Brooks, my best friend.

***Author’s Note***

So there ya go guys! It’s starting to happen! I am so excited now I can get into the deep tricky parts of the story. So I didn’t have a last name for either Taylor or Cale before this so I am making Taylor’s last Brooks and Cale’s last name Parker. So everyone have a happy Easter! I can’t wait to write some more so see you later!

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