I Should Have Known Chapter 25

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            "Come on Cale you have to, you just have to wake up. You can't just go around telling me you love me and giving me the kiss of my life and then dying. Your not allowed to." I said in a whisper to him.

            I felt Cole's hand gently move and squeeze my own before the heart monitor started to beep frantically and the spiking line went flat.

***End of Recap***

            The beeping was gone. The been that signaled my best friend, no my lover's heart was no longer beating. He was no longer in this world. The second the realization hit me I screamed. I screamed the scream that so many women before me have screamed. The scream that signified the pain of losing the one you love.

            Everything after that seemed a blur. People rushing in around me. Pushing me and pulling me away from Cale. No. I thrashed, hit, punched, clawed. Anything to stay next to him. Not to let his hand go. I wanted to be able feel the steady pulse in his wrist. His warm hand covering mine.

            I was restrained. A women holding my arms behind me so that I couldn't get free. I saw more doctors rush into his room. Someone was injecting something into his arm. Another was yelling out orders.

            Someone putting something on his chest and pressing down. Cale's body shaking from the force. "HE'S DEAD!" I screamed the tears running down my face in streams. "He's dead." I said softly closing my eyes and letting the sobs wrack my body. They were all dead. Everyone that loved me is dead.

            I felt someone lift me up and gently set me in a chair. The wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and shoved something warm in my hands. "He's really dead I said to myself. I tried to believe it but I just couldn't.

            Not that little boy with the brown hair and blue eyes. Not that young man all the girls threw themselves after. Not the man that kissed me so passionately and told me he loves me. That person would never truly be dead. He would always live on in our hearts and our memories.

            Another sobbed wracked my body. I would never have anymore memories with him. I would never have a future with him. Just a past. He was just another missing puzzle piece in my life. Another piece that I would never find hiding in between the coach cushions or under the bed.

            I felt someone gently wipe away my tears with a tissue. They gently brushed away each tear that fell. I felt a hand holding up my chin. I voice quietly said "Open your eyes." and I did just that. "He's alive."

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