I Should Have Known Chapter 21

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            I heard my phone start to ring and for God knows what reason this time I decided to answer it.

            "Hello" I said my voice cracking with tears.

            "Taylor it's Ellie, Cale's been in an accident."


***End of Recap***


            "Ellie what kind of accident?" I said panic taking over my body.

            "He was driving in the rain and someone in the oncoming lane hydroplaning and lost control and rammed into him head on. He's at the Parkland Hospital." Ellie said and I could hear her crying softly.

            "I'm on my way Ellie." I said picking my self up from the ground I started to walk towards the nearest road in the hopes I could catch a Taxi.

            "Taylor hunny, It's bad." Ellie said while hanging up. I quickly hailed a Taxi and jumped in and told the driver to take me to Parkland Hospital.

            On my way I said a silent prayer to god. I hadn't prayed or acknowledged God since he so cruelly took away my family.

            The drive to the hospital was a short one. I had just finished my quick prayer seconds before I stepped out of the cab.

            I ran into the emergency room and realized I had no idea where to go.  In my careless haste I had forgotten to ask Ellie what room Cale was in.

            I quickly found the nurses station and walked over to it and waited for the women in her mid forties to look up. Twenty seconds past and she still just sat there staring at her computer and ignored me. I o so stubbly cleared my thought trying to get her attention. She still ignored me. I started to fake hack up a lung and that finally got her attention.

            "Excuse me Mam but I wanted to find out what room Cale Parker is in." I said politely as I could.

            "Are you immediate family?" she asked not looking away from her computer. "Well no mam but," I started to say before she cut me off. "Well then sorry but you can't see him." and with that she turned back to her computer.

            "Mam look I have been best friends with that boy since I was four years old and moved in here. We just started dating so look either I am going to go down every damn hall and scream for him until I find him or you can tell me where he is." I said in the most deadly voice I could manage.

            She sighed dramatically. I mean seriously was I in an episode of Grey's Anatomy or something! "Forth floor room 401." she said before turning make to her computer screen.

            I didn't bother to wait for the elevator I just ran up the four flights of stairs as quickly as I could. I raised my hand to knock on the door but I stopped.

            What if this isn't my Cale anymore? What if during the accident he hit his head? What if he dies?

            I could bear to lose the boy I was falling in love with. We had been best friends since we were four. Half of my memories involve Cale. If I lost Cale a part of me would die along with him.

            Cale was the one. The one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, raise a family with, grow old with, die with. If the world would be so cruel as to take him from me too I don't know if I would survive. He was my other half and he just had to be okay.

            In the brief second of courage and optimism I had I turned the door knob and walked into his room. "Cale?" I said looking towards the hospital bed that held a tall young man with blonde hair and green eyes.

***Author's Note***


Hey everybody sorry for the late short update! I find that I have trouble writing long chapter by deadlines, so in order to get to the end of this book and possible start on a sequel (Yes, Yes I am considering it.) I decided I will try to update every other day or once every three days and they will be short (1 to 2 wattpad pages) every time. So here ya go next update will be Tuesday at the latest! Remember vote/comment/fan and spread the word!

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