I Should Have Known Chapter 27

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            My eyes slid over to the boy lying in the hospital bed. His skin was sunken in at places and looked pale as if it belonged to a corpse and not a living breathing eighteen year old boy.

            The most startling thing about him was not his body but his eyes, his blue eyes which were wide open and staring at me.


***End of Recap***

            "It's me Cale." I said rushing over to his bedside.

            "Is there any water in this damn place?" Cale said his voice cracking again. I quickly stood up and found him a glass of water.

            "Here." I said gently lifting up his head and putting the glass at his lips. After a few gulps  he tried to raise up his arm to tell me to stop but could barley lift it a few inches.

            "I feel like I've been run over by a truck." Cale said resting his head back on the pillows and closing his eyes.

            "Well you certainly did get yourself run over." I said and let out a humorless laugh. "What happened out their Cale?"

            "It was after the who Dane thing. After you ran off I couldn't help it I got pissed and Dane was asking for it. I took a swing at him and it started a full out fight. It ended whenever I broke his nose." Cale said sighing.

            "You didn't need to do that." I said quietly. I hadn't told Cale about all the other times Dane had tried to make a move on me to avoid that exact same outcome.

            "Of course I had to do that. One he kissed my girlfriend. Two he tried to force himself on you. Three he was damn well asking for it." Cale said furiously trying to sit up. I could see the fire burning in his eyes and I quickly pushed him back down and lay a gently kiss on his forehead to distract him.

            "After the fight what happened Cale?" I said softly taking his hand and holding it in mine.

            "I was pissed and you didn't answer your phone. I was worried out of my mind about you. I had to find you and so I started to drive. That's when it started to rain and I hydroplaned. I lost control and I hit something then everything went black and next thing I know I woke up here." Cale said shrugging like it was no big deal he had almost died.

            "It was all my fault." I said quietly the tears streaming down my cheeks again.

            "It wasn't your fault Taylor." Cale said lifting his hand up to cup my cheek. He slid his hand down under my chin and lifted it so that I was looking directly into his green eyes.

            "It's not your fault. Besides I'm fine. Just a little banged up." Cale said smiling that smile that melted my heart.

            "Cale you've been in a coma for the past two weeks your heart stopped beating today and I thought you were dead. " Is said on the verge of hysterics.

            "I'm here aren't I?" Cale said lightly laughing. "Now come here." he said motioning for me slid into the small hospital bed with him. I quickly slid under the covers with him and snuggled into his side.

            "Promise me you'll never leave me." I said while Cale stroked me hair.

            "I promise." he said laying a gentle kiss on my lips.

***Author's Note***

Woo two update in two days! Don't you just love me right now! I'm not too happy with this chapter but eh it was more of a filler. I am hoping that in 5-7 chapters I will have finished this book. I know I said that like 10 chapters ago but this time I mean it. Thank you all so much for supporting me in this amazing journey that's been my first real writing experience! I'm going to be so sad when it's over!

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