I Should Have Known Chapter 20

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As I was preoccupied with my thoughts I let my feet guide me. For all I could have known I may have lead myself into a dangerous part of Dallas. But of course I didn't.

            Instead I ended up in the last place I wanted to be. The graveyard. I walked down the endless rows of tombstones where people rested. I started to read the description on some of them and felt tears silently falling out of my eyes.

Eliza Moore

Even if the world did not get to know you,

you got to know the world.

January 1st, 1912 - January 2nd, 1912

Our loving daughter we will never forget you.

            A baby, she was just a baby. A day old, that never got to see the world. A world that should have been taken from me, just as it was taken from them.

            I walked further down the row as I had so many times before. I had never made it to the end. Never had the courage to face them.

            Just a few more steps and I would be there. I would have to look them in the face and say I'm sorry. That I wish it was me and not them.

            Three more steps just three more and I would have to face everything I dreaded. One, I wish I could take their place. Two, I'm so sorry. Three, it was all my fault.

Jacob Brooks

"The fear of death follows from the fear of life.

A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” 

-Mark Twain

April 21st, 1990 - December 24th, 1999

A loving son and brother

            The bold, fearless one. He was the eldest one of us. He was always trying to protect us. He was nine whenever the crash happened.

Caleb Brooks

“Life is for the living. Death is for the dead.

Let life be like music. And death a note unsaid.” 

-Langston Hughes

Feburary 6th, 1992 - December 24th, 1999

A beloved son and brother

            The artistic one. He could draw any and everything. He could play any instrument that he wanted. He had our grandmothers unruly bright red hair and mischievous green eyes. He was just six years old whenever the crash happened.

Adeline Brooks

“The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”

-1 Corinthians 15:26

June 1st, 1996 - December 24th, 1999

A loved sister and daughter

            She was the youngest of us all. She wanted to be a ballerina whenever she grew up. She had our mothers black strait hair and bright blue eyes. Everyone who looked at her fell in love with her. She was my favorite of all our siblings. She was my younger sister. I was suppose to protect her. She was only three years old whenever the crash happened.

Emilia Brooks

“Each new life, no matter how brief, forever changes the world.”

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