I Should Have Known Chapter 18

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By the time Cale came back I was humming the tune out loud. As soon as Cale heard it he started to softly sing along to it. His hand cupped my cheek and his other arm snaked around my waist pulling me to him.

“I know it sounds crazy That you'd be my baby. Girl you mean that much to me.” Cale sang in a deep husky voice. He started to lean in to kiss me all over again and I leaned into him enjoying every second of being in love with my best friend. Just as our lips were about to meet I was jerked back away from Cale and someones hand clamped painfully around my arm.

***End of Recap***

I felt two arms wrap around me pulling me towards them. They turned me to face them and before I could see their face they crashed their lips to mine.

He felt so familiar. His lips were rough and course against mine. His arm snaked around my waist roughly pulling me to him.

He didn’t wait and ask for entrance to my mouth. He shoved his tongue in my mouth. He ran his tongue across my teeth. It all seemed so familiar, like I had done this all before.

He pulled me closer to him smashing his body into mine.I could feel his arousal pushing into my thigh. Who the hell is this and why is he doing this?

I tried to push him away to no avail. His hands started traveling lower and lower towards but butt. I struggled against him pushing and struggling but he was so much bigger than me so much stronger.

I could hear Cale yelling in the background. Telling him to get off me. Why wasn’t he doing anything? He forced his tongue back into my mouth and I realized what was so familiar.

His taste. He tasted so familiar. Like sandalwood. Sandalwood.  Dane. Dane wore sandalwood cologne. My struggling increased as panic washed over me. I felt him force his tongue back into my mouth. I bite down on it as hard as I could.

Dane drew back and I could taste his blood in my mouth. Cale was so pissed he was fighting Carson and Matt to get at Dane.

I ran to Cale as fast as I could and buried my head in his shoulder.  He wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my hair. He lovingly kissed my head as he rubbed big slow circles on my back.

“I only did it because I love you,” Dan started off. “I have loved you since I met you in middle school. When I realized you were in love with Cale I was furious. He took what I loved, what I had always wanted.

I decided I would take what he had wanted. I took the girl he liked. Whenever I realized he was falling for you I decided I would take my turn. I started to date you and the more I got to know you the more I fell in love with you . And I still am.

I screwed up, I fucked everything up. I never meant to kiss Anna, but when she came up to me and threw herself at me, I was jealous. you looked so happy.

You had a smile on your face that I so rarely saw when you were with me. You were laughing and your dimples were showing. You looked at him with so much love in your eyes. Love that I had never seen directed at me.” Dane said. He had tears streaming down his face  and his voice faltered at the end.

“I’m sorry Dane. After  everything you did, after you ruined my friendship with my best friend. After you ruined us, I will never trust or love you again. I’m so sorry.” I said while turning and walking away.

Hello everyone I’m so sorry for the short very late chapter. I am on the formal committee, graduation ceremony committee, and field trip committee. Planning all of these events has made my life totally crazy busy. Also with getting stung by a bee and my thumb swelling up to the size of a huge carrot. I was also blind for like a half day. Thank you Logan for squirting hand sanitizer into my eyes.  And track will be over on thursday. My birthday is on Saturday and I will try to update again by then. I am hoping to reach 25,000 views before I end this story. There are only about 6-8 more chapters left. So no new update until we reach 8000 views. I know I know thats a lot but I really want that 25,000 views! Now here are three questions everyone should answer.

1. How did you find my book?

2. Have you told anyone else about my book? Did you facebook it, pin it on pinterest, or put it on your blog? If you have not you totally should!

3. Should I do a sequel? I personally feel as the author it would be best if I just ended the book here.

Again thank you all so much for your support. I love you!

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