I Should Have Known Chapter 28

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     It took time for Cale to recover from the accident. After being in a coma for so long he had lost a lot of strength.

            It wasn't a process we could speed up by any means. We just had to sit o the side lines an encourage him. It took two months for Cale to be in the same physical shape he was in before the accident.

            But Cale wasn't only physically harmed by the accident. He was mentally injured too. He couldn't recall certain memories any more. Memories that were the highlights of our childhood were all of a sudden new stories to him.

            Cale didn't get to play basketball that year because of his injuries. I offered to skip out on playing so that every time I didn't come home at three with him he wouldn't think about what he was missing out on.

            Of course being the supportive boyfriend he was made me play. We ended up winning state that year. I got multiple scholarships to play both volleyball and basketball in universities that weren't too far away.

            Cale was all set to attend Texas Tech on a football scholarship in the fall. Myself on the other hand still hadn't decided where I wanted to go. I was wanting on one more letter from a university before I decided. That one letter would determine where I was going.


            It was the spring of our senior year. Time had seemed to fly by in the past year. So much had happened. I had fallen in love with my best friend and he had almost died. I finally put to rest my demons after living with so much guilt since my brothers and sisters had died. I still couldn't say the same for my parents tough.

            Life's an ever changing thing but at some moments in time all you wanted to do was stop it. Now was one of those moments. Here I was safe in Cale's arms. Right in this moment I knew exactly where I belonged. I belonged with Cale.

***Author's Note***


Sorry for totally just disappearing on you guys for a month! Life got really busy and I had no time to write!  I can't believe I start high school tomorrow! Well anyways there are two or three more chapters after this then the epilogue! Can't believe this is almost over! I didn't end up doing a lot of the things I was going to do in this book so I am starting to write a few chapters of my new book "A Twist Of Fate" and it is going to be a sort of rewritten, revamped, edited, better but different book version of "I Should Have Know" Look for my next update sometime this weekened!

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