3) Where You Go I Go

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"How does this even happen?"Sonya asked, trying to figure out what to do about my wrist. So far nobody has had a clue how to fix it. I didn't know how to tell them there was a big reason it probably wouldn't ever heal correctly. I broke it over and over in horrific ways. I slammed it against the walls, bent it back until it was covered in blood, rubbed it against the shackles, and a few things I shouldn't even say.

I just shrugged in response.

The good thing about it being my right wrist was that nobody had any reason to look at my left arm. It's about time something went my way.

"At least, it's just my wrist,"I commented.

"There's more than your wrist for sure."

"It's going to be fine. They always heal eventually without help."

"Nobody even tried to help? Wouldn't they want you to live?"She asked, somehow being dumbfounded.

"They did, but I wouldn't let them touch me. I don't think many people would,"I pointed out.

"We're just glad to have you back,"Harriet remarked.

Now's the time to ask your question.

"Was Minho on the train?"

The room seemed to freeze which should be an obvious answer. I can't just accept that though. I need to hear it straightforward.

"We didn't find him on your compartment,"Sonya mumbled.

I shook my head without realizing. I know they're capable of breaking you, and I can't let that do that to him. I can't have him flinch when someone moves near him to fast or always be ready to fight whenever he hears footsteps. Not when he has a chance at life.

So I won't. If I go back WICKED I may be able to make a deal. They've been desperate for my blood to the point where they taken it until I'm lightheaded.

I'll let them have me if they let him go. If that doesn't work I'll do what seemed impossible and kill them all. I wouldn't feel remorse for any of them.

"Do any of you know where the Gladers are?"I questioned.

"I'm pretty sure Thomas is right outside,"Brenda responded.

"Thanks. I'll be back later,"I let them know, standing up. I pretended not to notice the concern in their eyes as I went to find him.

I glanced around and spotted him looking out at the beach. I took a breath before walking over to him. I stood beside him until he looked over.

"You're going back for Minho, aren't you?"

"How'd you-"
"I had a feeling. All I'm going to say is that I can help."

"Look, that's nice, but you just got out. Do you really want to risk your life again?"He asked, which was the dumbest question I've ever heard.

"Exactly. I know what they do there, and it's worse than you can imagine. They don't kill you there Thomas. You can beg for death, and they'll keep you alive. The kid next to me tried to hang himself, and they kept him alive before putting him in a simulation. They have no limits, and there's no way you can do this on your own."

"She's got a point mate,"Newt said, standing on the other side of him. I don't know when he got here, but he would find a way to come to. He was as loyal as they came.

"Guys, I just don't think-"
"You're going to die on your own or worse. If they can't capture you they'll shoot you. What good are to Minho if you're dead?"I pointed out.

"Don't be a twat about this. You're going to need help. You don't need to do everything alone Tommy."

There was a look in his eyes that I recognized. Guilt.

"You think this is your fault, don't you?"I asked, already having an answer. His pursed lips just gave it all away.

"I'm going to give you some tough love because you need it. You worked for them and did some stuff that made me want to strangle you. Then, I actually met you. You're a good person Thomas, and you'd do anything for your friends. As great as that is it's your biggest weakness. Love is blind, and that includes platonic love. You could do things that may be worse for you two if you let that happen. Someone has to pull you back to reality if it does. Besides, I know the exact destination of that train. I'm not telling you until you say we can come."

He sighed as he took my words in. He didn't have a choice.

"Okay. I guess you're coming,"He gave in.

"That's right. We're a team. We started this together so we may as well end it that way,"Newt added.

You're just going to end it while there.

I can't think about that right now. I have to think about Minho. After that I can focus on what I need to do.

"We'll see you tonight,"I assured him before turning around. I quickly wished I hadn't had Aris was a few feet away. That solum look on his face told me he heard the conversation.

I'd like to just walk away right now, but that wasn't an option. There wasn't a single place I could hide that he wouldn't find me. So I walked directly to him. I may as well get this over with.

"You're just going to go back? After everything they've done to you you're walking right back to them?"He asked.

"I have to. This is just how it has to be."

"Look at yourself. You've got bruises on your face, blood on your clothes, fears that can't go away. Why would you walk right into that?"

"Minho's my friend. We found ways to try and help each other there. We could just be beating the workers, secretly saving and trading food, or helping each other run from them. I can't leave him when I know what they'll do."

"Y/N, this is how you get yourself killed. I just got you back. I don't want to lose you again,"He whispered. If only he knew there was no avoiding that part.

"I'm sorry Aris, but I have to do this. On the Berg he promised to look out for me, and even if I didn't say it out loud he knew I would to. I can't break that. Please, understand. I can't let him suffer."

"You're going no matter what I say, aren't you?"


"Then, so am I,"He responded in a firm tone. I looked in his eyes to see if there was any chance he was lying, but there was pure honesty and determination in them. I wanted to try or at the very least warn him.

"Aris, they won't hesitate to kill you. They won't hesitate to torture you until you end up like me. A shattered soul that will forever be broken."

"I'd rather be shattered than know I let you do this alone. There's still a spark in your eyes that they can't take from you, and I'll make sure of that. I can promise you one thing. Where you go I go,"He whispered, taking my hand. I looked up at him as he kissed my forehead.

"Where you go I go. Even if it kills me."

It may may not, but it has to kill me.

"I won't let anything even hurt you,"I swore. Right now that was all I had.

Because I wouldn't hesitate to die for him even if I didn't have to. I just hope someday in another life I can be with him forever.

Secrets I Keep (Book 2. of A Beautiful Distraction)Where stories live. Discover now