15) Swear On Us

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I felt sunshine on my face and opened my eyes to see I was only the third one up. Newt and Gally were sitting a few feet away quietly talking. I didn't bother to say anything as I stayed where I was. Aris's hand was still in mine, and I didn't want to move. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at him. He still had bed head, and his face seemed to have cleared up. It was no longer puffy and tear streaked.

His eyes fluttered open, and he looked at me and our intertwined fingers.

"Hi,"I whispered.

"Hi,"He whispered back, his eyes seeming to have a hint of sadness in them. I used my free hand to brush his hair out of his eyes so I could see his face better. He had the ghost of a smile as he looked at me.

Tell him.

"Aris,"I said quietly.


Don't tell him.

"I need to talk to you later. I also have to give you something. Just stay behind when everyone else goes somewhere, okay?"

"What's wrong?"He asked, his small smile vanishing in a fraction of a second.

"I can't tell you here. I don't even know how to tell you yet."

"Did I do something?"He muttered, seeming to be searching for anything he could have done to make me act the way I had. I shook my head before squeezing his hand.

"No Aris. It was all me."

"Y/N, if this is about yesterday I promise I'm not mad anymore. Everyone's still kind of freaking out, and it's not like you didn't say some of the-"
"Don't finish that sentence. I was wrong, and I need to tell you why I've been hurting you."

"You haven't-"
"Don't lie to me, okay? I've done enough of that for both of us."

He went dead silent as we stayed there. Despite how clear it was that my words made him nervous he didn't let go of my hand which I was thankful for.

"I missed you,"I whispered.

"I've been right here,"He pointed out, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"But I haven't. Not really. Just remember one thing."


"I'm still human."

For now.


"Okay. She's clocked back in and using the same entrance. We know where to follow her from,"Brenda announced, making a note as she looked through the binoculars.

"That was a long lunch break,"Newt commented.

"Speaking of lunch breaks we should all take one for now. There's not much more we can do right now anyway,"Gally pointed out.

"Good that. I'm starving,"Frypan agreed.

"You're always starving Fry."

"In my defense Newt, I was the Keeper of the Cooks. Being around food was kind of my thing."

As I listened to their playful banter for another second I forgot about what I was meant to do today. At least, until everyone started filing out of the room.

"You two coming?"Newt asked.

"We have to do something,"I explained, trying to stop my voice from shaking. Judging from the expression on his face and the small, reassuring smile he knew what it was.

Secrets I Keep (Book 2. of A Beautiful Distraction)Where stories live. Discover now