8) Irreparabiliss Monstrum

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"Welcome to Right Arm,"Gally announced as if that was supposed to explain everything. I raised an eyebrow with a stone expression, and he awkwardly coughed.

"Which is?"I asked.

"A group dedicated to taking down WICKED,"He clarified.

"Really? So you guys actually care about doing that?"I asked slowly, not sure if I should believe him. For all we know he could be on an inside job.


"Why the dedication?"

He looked at me like he didn't know why I would bother to ask.

"Before you go around breaking someone's face in again Gally is good. He lived in the Glade with us,"Newt assured me, seeming worried I was going to use my interrogation methods.

"So he's not someone to worry about?"I still checked, analyzing Gally's face as I did.

"No. He's trustworthy,"Newt promised.

"If you say so,"I shrugged, not completely believing it yet. Then again I rarely trust anyone. It's too easily shattered and impossible to gain back.

I looked to my right to see Aris sitting on the floor with one foot out.

Almost impossible.

Fair enough. At the same time I'm not counting him. The circumstances were a bit different to say the least. A lot different actually, and maybe I'm just a little biased. So what?

"Hey. Little-miss-violence. You alive?"Gally asked me as I stared off into space.

"Great nickname eyebrows. So are you actually competent enough to explain anything else?"I shot back.

"I'm going to ignore that for now-"
"Lucky me,"I deadpanned, already not caring what he had to say next. Unless he has the answers to Minho or the Flare I don't care what comes out of his mouth.

"Why don't you guys explain everything to her? She seems a bit,"He trailed off.

"Hostile? Aggressive? Dislikable?"I listed.

"I was going to say worried, but the first two work,"He shrugged, going to who knows where.

Nobody said anything for a while as we just sat there. In the meantime I was just grateful my head stopped trying to kill me. That wasn't exactly my main concern though. If just remembering something made me pass out what else would happen as time went on? I wasn't excited to know, but I wish I had an idea so I could be ready.

"They think they know how to break into WICKED and get Minho out,"Aris finally spoke up. I turned my head towards him in disbelief. This time it was the kind I would accept with open arms.

"Why didn't he just lead with that?"

"He was getting there. Then, you started insulting him,"Newt reminded me.

"Well, why would I give a fuck who Right Arms is? Plus, I don't appreciate the little-miss-violence thing. What'd he expect?"I pointed out, not knowing how he thought I wasn't being reasonable.

"Probably for you not to insult him. He doesn't know you can be a bit snappy-"
"I'm not snappy."

"Can you stop interrupting people? It's getting annoying."

"Oh, shove off,"I scoffed, leaving the room and finding my way out of the building. I don't want to spend another minute inside the stuffy room. I don't think I could if I wanted to.

"Y/N,"Aris called as I walked faster. I pretended not to hear as I kept going. "Y/N,"He called again, jogging up to me. I started pacing faster so he wasn't next to me.

Secrets I Keep (Book 2. of A Beautiful Distraction)Where stories live. Discover now