14) Unheard Confessions

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"So you guys seriously aren't going to tell anyone?"Gally asked.

"No, and you can't either,"I demanded.

"I wasn't going to. All I am saying is eventually you're going to have to, and note the word you're."

"We know that. It's just that-"
"I thought you were getting something with Gally,"Aris interrupted Newt, stepping into the medical room. We all looked up not even sure when he got here. I felt my face drain of color. How much did he hear?

"Yeah. I was just helping her,"Gally shrugged, being the first of us to regain his composure.

"With what?"He interegated.

"She just hurt her hands. I was helping her wrap them,"Gally covered. It wasn't even a lie.

"What did you do?"He asked me, his eyes glancing down at my knuckles. When he saw the way they were wrapped it became clear he knew exactly how I hurt them.

He hasn't even noticed your wrist yet.

After a second he seemed to turn completely pale as he kept his eyes fixated on my wrist.

Now he noticed it.

"We should probably start more planning soon. The sooner we get our hands on Teresa the sooner we get Minho back,"I pointed out.

"Yeah. I'll get everyone together,"Newt offered.

"I'll help,"Gally added.

"I guess I will too. Let's go,"I said, hurrying out of the room.

"Looks like I'm with you all then,"Aris murmured, but nobody responded. Each of us had too many dark thoughts whirling around in our heads. You don't need to be a mind reader to know people don't have the most positive outlook after finding out all we did.


It was officially getting ridiculous. For some reason Thomas still seems stuck on not capturing Teresa.

Because he loves her.

Well, he shouldn't.

"The city is crowded which means nobody will notice if she just disappears,"Brenda pointed out.

"I think that's exactly why they'll notice,"Thomas countered.

"Listen Greenie, these people don't care about anyone but themselves here. They won't blink an eye so we're getting her,"Gally repeated.

"Still, don't you think-"

"I think you need to realize why we're all here,"He snapped, slamming his hand on the table. "You're only here because of her, and Minho's only trapped because of her. So we'll grab her, use their suits, and get in,"He reiluated.

"That's the best course of action. We go tomorrow night,"I agreed.

"I say give it exactly two days. By then it will have been a week so we'll know her full schedule. After that it's go, go, go. No more of this waiting around,"Brenda reasoned.

"Then, that's it. Two days so get used to it Thomas,"I said, giving him a cruel look.

"I hate to point this out, but-"
"Then, don't,"I interrupted, turning my head to glare at Aris. If anyone else poked holes in this plan we'd be here forever. We just had to trust ourselves and stick to the outline, and we'll be fine.

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