18) Unknown Motives

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"Y/N, Thomas, Newt, you three need to be near Teresa. I swear Y/N, if your eyes bleed and you ignore it to decide to play the hero I'll kill you myself. Newt, if you feel weird and convince yourself you're fine, you're lying to yourself."

"Wow Gally. How did we ever get anything done without your amazing speeches?"I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Not a clue. Listen, Aris and I will meet you guys up by the rooms. From there we'll take everyone outside to Brenda and Frypan. Understand?"He asked.

"Got it,"I answered.

"Good luck. Hopefully, we'll see you later,"He replied. It was a depressing thing to say, but this is a depressing situation.

"And let's go,"Brenda spoke up.

"Stay safe. I love you,"Aris whispered in my ear for what could be the last time.

"I'll try, and please do the same. I love you too"I whispered back.

"I will. Just come back to me, and I'll come back to you. Promise?"He asked, holding out his pinkie. It had been years since we had made one, and though that one had been less devastating, I couldn't just not promise him this. Even if the plan was death I needed to see him one last time before it.

"I promise,"I whispered, wrapping my pinkie around his. After one more sad smile I put the mask on and went with my group while he went with his.

"Y/N, we can get you more time if-"
"You can get a bullet to the head if you don't stop talking. How about that?"I asked as she pressed her thumb to the key.

"Make sure you look all nice and comfy. I know you love it here,"I mumbled to her before keeping a subtle grip on her arm. Other doctors just walked past, and it was almost impossible to believe that these people had a hand in torturing me. When one of them waved at Teresa I had to hold myself back from tightening my grasp enough to break her arm. If she was in clear pain they would obviously want to know what was wrong and why one of their 'guards' was grabbing her with such extreme force.

"Newt, you could-"
"He could have not had to deal with this if we didn't have to get someone out, but you ruined that. Now shut your trap,"I said low enough so only she could hear but still demanding and cold.

Thankfully, she listened this time as we all walked onto an elevator. It was empty which was more than lucky. We wouldn't have to listen to any awkward small talk that would make me want to rip my ears off. I've already lost enough blood anyway.

Just as she pressed the button someone hurried on. Once I saw who it was it took every ounce of self control not to use my gun and beat him to the brink if death. There were three reasons I couldn't. One, we wouldn't get to Minho, two, it'll just start a fight with even more unnecessary deaths, and three, I made a promise. I will not become a killer.

So even if Ratman deserved the pain we deserved freedom more. At least, the people that would be able to get it.

"I thought you left for the night,"He remarked.

"I'm just getting a few extra things in the lab done,"She lied, staring straight ahead.

"If you say so. Speaking of which though, there was something I wanted to talk to you about,"He admitted.

"Yes?"She asked quietly.

"Well, Thomas is back in the city, and I'm sure he'll try to get in here."

"Oh,"She replied as if he wasn't next to her. After all, if she did there would be a good amount of blood spilled.

"You remember who's side you're on, right? I do know young love can make us do things we wouldn't normally do."

I wanted to scoff at his hypocrisy. Someone who does what he does, who has his mindset, knows nothing about love. Even worse, this isn't this first time he's said something like this.

"You promised to leave me friends."

"That I did. Of course, you weren't thinking probably. It's funny, isn't it? Young love."

I was more than grateful when the elevator dinged. What I couldn't resist the urge to do though was leave without giving him something. Anything at all. As I stepped out I made sure my heel collided with his ankle. It's not much but when he hissed in pain I felt like I was running on a high. Thomas appeared to share my mindset as he roughly shoved past him.

"Come on. The sooner we get Minho the sooner we're out,"I instructed as the elevator went up and we got to walking.

"Just listen to me. Thomas, Y/N, there's something about both of your blood that's different. If you let me help-"
"Like how you tried to help me in this place? Saying I was just angry? Or how you tried to help when you decided strangers were more important than us? Like that?"I snapped.

"Shut up, and keep moving,"I demanded, pressing the butt of my gun in her back.

"Listen to me. Please,"She repeated as we made her press her thumb to the door.

"How are you still not getting it? People have died here. WICKED took everything. They took Alex, they took Luna, they murdered my parents, they stole my sister from me. Does that sound good to you? Does it?"I asked.

"Does it sound good to you?!"I screamed, shoving her against the glass. She hit it with a thud.

Kill her!

"They stole everything! You took everything from us!"I repeated, throwing a punch.

Kill her!

The mask got stuffy as I tried to throw another one only for Newt to grab my fist.

"We're almost out of here. Just keep your sanity a little longer,"He begged.

"I need to-"
"Remember why we're here, and I'm also willing to get your eyes are bleeding like crazy now. The more that happens the less time we have,"He pointed out.

I took a moment and hesitantly put my hand down. She was nursing a bloody, and probably broken, nose.

"I knew you were losing it, but I didn't think it'd get to hurting an old friend,"A voice commented.

"I'm pretty out of it by now Ratman,"I scowled, throwing my mask off and glaring at him. There was no point in keeping it on anymore.

Once I could see clearly I saw he was in front of us with a gun.

"I can tell by the blood,"He remarked, still holding it out.

"Get fucked you heartless asshole,"I insulted, pulling out my own gun and pointing it at him.

"You wouldn't do it. You torture people, not kill them."

"Drop the gun!"Thomas yelled. In a flash he grabbed Teresa and pointed his at her head. Ratman still showed no fear. In fact, he wore a smug smirk before allowing his weapon to fall to the ground.

"We both know you wouldn't do it Thomas."

Deep down I think we all knew that, but we were running out of time. So when actual guards came out of nowhere we had to count on adrenaline now. The time for logic is over. They wanted war, and we'll give it to them.

"You don't want to do that,"I taunted, pretending I had any clue what our next move was.

Apparently, I didn't need to. Before I could even blink I was shoved through the open door before it was locked.

Teresa has just gotten us through another part. Why? What else was she planning?

"Question her motives later. Let's get a move on,"Newt urged, practically being able to read my mind.

"Okay. Let's get to the others,"I agreed, tucking my weapon to my belt loops before running with them. We had a mission to carry through, and there's definitely going to be more unexpected things popping up. There always is.

Secrets I Keep (Book 2. of A Beautiful Distraction)Where stories live. Discover now