10) Found Family

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"Hey. I found them,"Someone exclaimed, waking me up. I lifted my head to see a panicked Thomas. Newt opened his eyes but still chose to use me as a human pillow.

"You guys can't just run off like that,"He scolded.

"We didn't. We actually walked here,"I deadpanned. Newt let out a tired laugh. By now Aris and Frypan had made their way here as well.

"Get up shuckface,"I said, patting Newt's back. He finally did, and we both brushed ourselves off.

"You can't just run off like that. You scared us. Why are you two up here anyway?"Thomas asked.

"Neither of us could sleep so we went to look at the city lights. I guess we ended up passing out here,"I lied. The only person who didn't look satisfied with that answer was Aris. Then again this doesn't look the best, does it?

And you can't tell him the truth.

Not for a while. I can let his mind come up with theories and maybe crush him, I could lie to him and crush him later, or I could just tell him the truth and destroy him. Those aren't very desirable options for anyone.

Unfortunately, there's no good options about how to deal with this. In fact, there's only one. After all, I read the book.

The solution to my problem is death.


We were all back in a small room discussing what to do. After a minute of going back and forth it was clear there was one thing we needed. If we were going to be soft we would say one person.

You're not soft though.

"We can't just kill Teresa. We need her to get in. It's not like the decoy facility. It's under strict restrictions. Fingerprint scanners, bulletproof glass, face recognition, and guards at every other entrance are just a few examples. They have more we don't even know of. To get in we need her, and we need her alive,"I repeated firmly.

"We still have the problem of getting her out,"Aris pointed out.

"Can't we just use any guard?"Thomas asked, his tone having an affection for her that I didn't like. Actually, it's not that I don't like it. I hate it with a passion.

"Don't tell me you still have feelings for her,"I said. Thomas didn't say anything back. "Thomas, she's the reason we're in this mess. No, actually. That's too good of a word. She's the reason we're completely fucked so get your head out of the clouds and realize the truth. She helped kill people,"I spat.

"I didn't say anything,"He defended.

"Exactly. You didn't say anything. So how about you repeat after me. Teresa is a killer who tortures her friends, and I'm still in love with her. Say it,"I demanded, taking dangerously close steps to him.

He still hadn't said anything. He just stood there as still as a statue.

"Let's take a breather,"Gally suggested.

"You know what? That's a good idea. You can deal with his bullshit,"I snapped, slamming the door as I walked out. I quickly started heading back to the library when I felt something wet dripping down my face. It almost felt like tears. Only I didn't feel like crying.

Even more confusing was that they didn't feel like actual tears. They were to thick and almost kind of heavy.

I just ignored it for now until I got to the only safe place. I opened the door and took a breath when I spotted a mirror in the corner.

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