17) Comfortable Ride

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"So let's go over the plan one more time,"Newt instructed.

"I'm going to get the other kids on the bus. Fry will be there to give the special signal,"Brenda spoke up.

"I'm in charge of getting people out of the building and finding the serum,"Gally added.

"We're there in disguise and to keep Teresa in check,"Thomas said, gesturing to Newt and Aris.

"I'm there to do that as well and as leverage or a bargain if needed,"I said, finishing the list. From next to me Aris made a subtle sound of disapproval, but nobody else heard. If they did they didn't mention it. It had been clear from the start he hated the idea the most, but I am the one who suggested it for a reason. It worked once so maybe it will work again if it comes down to it.

"Okay. Everyone get dressed,"Newt commanded, tossing us each a uniform. I just nodded my head as everyone headed to their own section, with the exception of Brenda who was keeping an eye on Teresa.

I carefully unfolded it and couldn't help but freeze as I stared at the name. Today I would wear the word WICKED across my chest. The thought was enough to make me feel sick. How desperately I wished I could tear this thing to shreds. It had destroyed my life damnit.

Still, it was part of the plan. I took a shaky breath before slipping on the shirt. It was too tight or maybe it was just the fact that I was wearing it. This one was blue. The blue one was what that lady had worn when she tore my sister away from me. What a sick, twisted, world we live in.

Despite this I finished putting on the disguise and kept the gun and mask on the belt loops. I stepped out of my spot and waited for everyone to finish. Once everyone was good to go we all exchanged a nod as if to give a pep talk without any words.

"Let's do this then. I'm sure this'll be a grand time,"I sighed.

"Can't wait,"Aris mumbled.

"That's the spirit. Which of us has to keep a hold on Teresa because if I have to do it I may just snap her neck,"I explained.

"We'll see as we go, but please don't kill anybody. At least, not for now,"Gally requested.

"I don't like lying so all I can say is I will do my best,"I responded, unable to tell just how much of that was an attempt at humor and which part was the truth. Then again I'm not a killer. I may have caused quite a few people to bleed and been the reason for others pain, but I haven't murdered anyone. Just ask the little girl I once was.

Now I can't help but wonder what she'd think of me.

If she knew she had gone from searching for the good in the world, to cutting others, making them fear for their lives, bashing their faces in, and even purposely hurting the people she loved and herself, what would she say? Was it something deep down she had been expecting or would she be horrified at what she had become? And what about my sister? Would she be proud I had grown such thick skin or would I no longer be her special star? Would either of them recognize and accept who I am? Or would they hate me?

"I won't let you become a killer,"I quietly promised her. I couldn't lose that part of myself. I don't want my family to think of me the way I do. Because all of these people are my family. Even when the drive me insane they care about me, and I care about them. They're all I have.

"You're going to be okay. I'll keep you safe,"Aris promised, taking my hand as we all headed out to the car. I nodded as if I believed him. To be honest I'm not even sure if he was completely confident in his words.

"I call shotgun,"Newt exclaimed way ahead of time as we walked out of the building. Of course he did. When isn't he in the front seat?

"This'll be a comfy ride,"Frypan mumbled as he was squished between Brenda and the window. Gally was driving, but I couldn't care less who was behind the wheel. As long as it wasn't Thomas trying to crash us into a wall we're fine. Instead, he got to keep an eye on Teresa who got a well deserved spot on the floor just in case somebody saw her. That left Aris with me in what was basically the trunk because he had been silently voted as the best to handle it if I went all bloodthirsty.

So yeah. It was such an oh so comfortable ride indeed.

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