4) Under The Stars

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We were all sitting in the car as we went over what to do. The plan was simple on the surface. Drive to the last city, avoid cranks as we do, break into the city, and then break into an evil organization that wants us dead. Except, there were going to be some bumps in the road. There always are.

"I guess now's as good of a time as ever to start driving,"Thomas said as I circled the areas to go on the map. I handed it to Newt who was sitting up front so he could help direct Thomas on where to go.

"Can you actually drive?"I questioned.

"Let's find out."

"How reassuring,"I mumbled. He either didn't catch it or didn't care to acknowledge it.

I sat back as he started the car. With that we left the Safe Haven to go to the most dangerous place in the world.


"Left Tommy. I said go left,"Newt repeated, correcting him yet again. With Frypan and Aris out it was up to Newt and I to remind Thomas not to accidentally kill us.

"I'm sorry,"He mumbled, clearly growing tired.

"Pull over Thomas,"I directed.

"I'm fine,"He argued, yawning as he did so.

"Thomas if you kill us before we even get there I swear I make sure your afterlife is spent in hell. Stop being stubborn, realize you're being an idiot, and pull over before I slap the back of your head,"I warned. I wouldn't actually smack him because violence would just send me back to that dark place, but he didn't know that.

Apparently, that's actually a good thing because the car jolted to a stop. Unfortunately for the two sleeping there weren't any seatbelts. I managed to somewhat stop Aris from smacking his head on the seat since he was next to me, but Frypan wasn't so lucky.

"What? Are we dead?"Frypan asked, rubbing his forehead.

"No, but Thomas seemed to want us to be. Everyone take a nice long nap. Thomas learned how valuable that is, right?"

"Mhm,"He agreed, already drifting off. I laid back and stared straight ahead since that was how I was used to sleeping. My eyes would get to heavy and force themselves shut. It was a necessity when you'd hear their screams. Otherwise, you'd lay there all night without even getting close to it.

Somehow after barely ten minutes everyone seemed to be out. I was beyond jealous at how easy it was for them. Then again they probably haven't slept for half the day.

Sighing in defeat I quietly slipped out of the car. I wasn't planning to walk anywhere, but right now the ground seemed to be calling my name. I leaned my head against the door and looked up at the sky. Beautiful stars lined it causing a small smile to appear on my face. I got to see real stars and actually enjoy them. That was a beautiful thing to fall asleep to.


"I don't know where she went,"Someone said. I groaned and went to sit up when the car door hit the back of my head. I cursed under my breath because it hurt like hell, but I was definitely awake.

"Never mind. I found her,"Thomas remarked.

"I think you did a bit more than that,"I mumbled, feeling the back of my head for a bump. Thankfully, I was only in a crazy amount of pain. That's definitely exactly what I needed today. I love being woken up from a car door to the head.

"Are you okay?"He asked.

"Just peachy,"I mumbled, looking around to see everyone else wide awake.

"I take it we're back on the road,"I stated. There was no question about it. We've got miles to go and not a lot of time to get there.

I took my seat next to Aris, and Newt tossed me a granola bar. With that Thomas started the car, and we were off.

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