19) Jump

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The lights were flashing quicker as the alarms seemed to get louder. I resisted the urge to cover my ears as it practically screeched like a banshee.

"We're almost there. We just need to survive a little longer,"Thomas repeated for what seemed like the millionth time.

"The more you talk about surviving the more I think you're just trying to convince yourself,"I admitted.

"Maybe I am, but-"
"Hey. What are you three doing here?"Someone asked. We stared straight ahead to see a WICKED guard. One that actually worked for them and wasn't a facade like us.

"Well shit,"I remarked, watching him reach for his gun.

Then, he pulled it out, and we saw it wasn't a gun he was reaching for. He was reaching for his walkie-talkie.

As I saw his face though, something clicked in my mind.

"You beat the girl next to me,"I scowled, remembering how she had went down covered in blood.

"You're just a child killer you tough boy wannabe,"I scowled, shooting him. It hit his arm, and he groaned in pain.

"Should we run now?"Thomas asked.

"Yeah. That's a good idea,"Newt agreed.

That was proven to be the only choice when panicked, muffled voices came through the device. Without waiting to see who went where we sprinted in a random direction. I went in the doors next to me which was just a stairwell. Not that I really cared. As long as we got Minho everything would be fine.

From behind me the door slammed shut. I pointed my weapon at them when I saw it was just Newt.

"Sorry. Now let's go before something else slows us down."


As we were sprinting up the stairs Newt suddenly stopped and leaned over the edge. I waited to see what was happening when he went into a violent coughing fit. His condition was getting worse by the second.

I headed for him and helped him up a few more flights of stairs until he seemed better. Not better as in cured but better as in not sounding like he was going to collapse.

We burst through a door at the top without bothering to look at what it was. Thankfully, it was also the right one because we came right in time to see Gally holding a gun to a guard's head as Aris was keeping an eye on two already tied up.

There was still somebody missing though.

"Where's Tommy?"Newt asked almost silently. I think he was asking himself. That was a good question though. Had Thomas made it up here? Would he ever or did he . . . die?

No. I can't think about that right now. There's too much going on.

"Y/N, do you have the extra rope?"Gally asked, pulling me back to reality.

As I realized I recognized this guard as well I gladly tossed it to him before standing there and watching as he struggled. I love watching the torturers become the tortured. It makes life feel so satisfying.

"Put them in that corner,"He directed, gesturing to one behind us. How many did they have to fight?

I roughly grabbed him by the shoulder as I dragged him along the cold, concrete ground. When he was close enough I tossed him by his hair. His face smacked the cement wall and a small trickle of blood poured from his mouth.

Secrets I Keep (Book 2. of A Beautiful Distraction)Where stories live. Discover now