16) Games

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It was finally the night I had been waiting for. We were going to capture Teresa and force her to help us, and believe me. We were not scared to use force.

At least, most of us. I'm still unsure of how far Thomas would be willing to go, and I'm still more than ready to knock some sense into him if I have to.

However, I think he has a bit more understanding now. As Aris and I had our devastating conversation Newt had his own, one on one, with Thomas. After that we decided to tell them everyone else together because though Brenda, Jorge, and Frypan are our friends, they aren't as close to us as Aris was to me and Thomas was to him. Plus, Thomas had to know about me and Aris had to know about Newt, and it was a super tedious and draining process. It was so emotionally exhausting that Gally stepped in to help simplify it when we were getting our words mixed up.

Now that we finished that part we could finally put our full focus on Minho. So I got to wait in an abandoned parking lot as a second decoy just in case something went wrong.

"Remember. We're not killing her. We still need her,"Gally repeated.

"I know that. I'm a freak of nature. Not an idiot,"I pointed out.

"You're not a freak of nature,"Aris whispered, quiet enough so only I can hear.

"Of course you'd say that. You don't think anything bad of me."

"True, but I'm right on this."

"Will you two stop having whatever lovey dovey discussion you are? She's coming,"Brenda informed us. With that it was back to dead silence.

"Thomas,"She called, looking at the empty parking lot.

For a moment all I could see was her in that doctor's uniform as she watched me be tortured. When my wrist was broken, and then I broke it more as payback, she dared try and help me. The way she was too much of a coward to fight back, when she told me I was needed and going to save the world. I shouldn't have been spending my time like that. What I needed, what I deserved, was to be with the people I love until it was my time to die.

"Y/N,"Someone whispered, holding my arm. I tried to shake them off as red clouded my vision, but they tightened their grip.

"I'm going to murder her,"I scowled.

"Look at me,"They instructed, turning me around to face them. Standing right there was Aris with a worried look. He carefully reached forward and wiped the blood from my face.

"You're a lot of things, but you're not a killer."


"You're not a monster."


"You're still Y/N."

For now.

"And you're still my girl.


"Hey. You two can have your bittersweet couple moments later. Let's go before she tries to fight,"Gally urged, gesturing to the bag over Teresa's head.

"She won't fight back. She's too busy faking her guilty conscience,"I promised. Nevertheless, we all headed to the Right Arm base. It was time for some much needed and long awaited punishment. Despite what they said I can't give up the opportunity to hurt her just a little bit, can I?


We all patiently waited in front of Teresa as she was tied in front of a chair. Finally, Gally pulled the bag off of her head. She stared at all of us. She also had no choice but to look directly at me since I was given the chance to sit directly in front of her.

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