13) A Devastating Wake Up Call

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"Y/N, wake up. Y/N,"Someone hissed. I groggily opened my eyes to see Newt standing over me.

"What happened?"He asked quietly. I didn't answer as I looked at him. He seemed to be blurry. Everything here did. Even my body seemed to be that way. It was almost as if I wasn't even here.

"You need to get up so we can get you cleaned up. You're a wreck,"He sighed. I didn't even bother to move as I let out some sort of grunt.

"You're getting up whether you want to or not,"He said firmly. I didn't think I could as I felt my muscles twitch.

"Can you speak?"He asked.

"Ithi-nk-so,"I managed to get out. My words were slurred, as if I'd been drinking.

"We need to get someone. This isn't-I don't know how to fix this,"He said quickly, almost sounding panicked.


"I'm getting Gally. He can help with your fists for sure."

That's when I remembered what I read last night. Temporary paralysis was supposed to be normal now. It's a messed up kind of normal, but that doesn't change it.


"Y/N, I can't even understand you. Don't move. I'll be right back. I mean you can't move, but you know what I mean. I'll see you soon,"He said in one breath, running out of the room.

You don't have much time.

I already know that. It doesn't matter though, does it? So I guess for now I'll wait until I can move. Hopefully, before Gally gets here. It's better for them to think I'm dramatic or attention seeking than to know the truth.

I'm a monster, and people don't want to be around monsters.

Aris won't want to be around a monster.

I knew that for a while. I guess I'll just lay here and ponder that. After that I'll try not to cry and probably fail. Maybe I'll cry blood again. It seems to be a common thing anyway. At least, when it comes to this.


"I've got him,"Newt said after a while. The entire time I had been trying to move, but all I got was a random twitch or two.

"You just found her like this?"Gally asked.

"Yeah. I don't know what's going on."


"What is she-"
"I don't know what she's saying. Can you just help her? Preferably without anyone noticing,"Newt asked.

"I sure hope so. You'll be look out. I'll carry her to the medical room."

I heard their footsteps. Then, Gally leaned over. He was just as blurry as Newt had been, or just everything around me in general.

"I'm just going to pull you over my shoulder,"He explained, lifting me off the ground. I was just completely limp as he threw me around him.

"It's close so we should be there in no time. Just don't die in the meantime,"He added. I don't know whether or not it was supposed to be a joke, but it wasn't very funny.

"You'll just tell us if you see anyone. After that you are explaining everything that's happening,"He instructed.

"No,"I said firmly. At least, it was to me.

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