11) Acceptance

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So far we have an outline of the plan. One of the flaws was that it would require a lot of patience. If we need patience we need time, and that's not something we can afford to waste.

Tensions in the room seemed to be rising so we just decided to eat dinner. That's how I ended up sitting against a wall with a bowl of tomato soup. It wasn't bad at all. Even though I'm not usually one for new foods it just tasted heavenly.

That's when it hit me. This wasn't my first time trying this.

Accepting what was about to happen, I leaned my head against the wall and waited for the memory.


"Hurry up,"My sister urged as I sprinted around the corner. I know stealing is generally wrong, but sometimes life makes you choose between wrong or death.

"Get back here you thief!"The man screamed louder. I just shoved past all the other people with the supplies shoved under my tattered winter jacket. It did almost nothing to protect me from the cold snow, but there wasn't anything else to wear.

"Come on Y/N. We're almost there,"My sister assured me as the cold air stung my lungs.

"Thieves! Stealing my bliss!"He yelled.

This attracted the attention of strangers. Everyone knows what bliss is for.

"Ignore them, and act like you're going for a run,"She advised. I could only nod as my chest started to ache, and the stitch in my side was begging for me to listen to it.

As if. My family needs me, and I can't disappoint them.

This helped fuel me as I turned through the old neighborhood and across a yard. From behind me I could hear the crunch of my sisters old boots colliding with the snow. That sound was still muffled as the hidden cans and prescription bottles rattled under my clothes.

"Here. Let's go,"I directed, bursting through the door. My sister didn't hesitate to follow.

We rushed down to the basement. Only when everything was tossed on the old mattress did I allow myself to go into a coughing fit.

"It's okay. I've got yours right here,"My sister coaxed as she measured out the cough syrup. Even though I wasn't looking up I knew Dad was giving Mom the bliss.

"Drink up,"She directed, handing me the capful. I swallowed all of it. By now the bitter taste didn't bother me. My sister got over it much quicker than I had.

This was something we needed just to live. Because we've got that stupid mark our immune systems are naturally weaker.

"You girls go heat up by the stove while I stay with Mom down here. Make yourselves some dinner, and hopefully we'll be up shortly,"Dad directed.

We all knew they wouldn't be joining us, but nobody dared to say it.

"How's tomato soup sound?"My sister asked, as if we had a million choices of what to eat.

"Oh darn. I was really looking forward to our leftover steak,"I joked.

"Maybe tomorrow night,"She joked back, knowing very well that tomorrow was a lunch only day.

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