Chapter 1 - Welcome to Valhalla

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"So, this is Valhalla?" [Name] muttered, taking in the scenery before her.

They had teleported to a grassland located very close to the huge building complex where she and the other fighters, the einherjars as Brunhilde had called them, would stay for the upcoming weeks. It looked nice and spacious, but nothing a human couldn't build. Little time was spared observing the ulterior of the building, sense she figured she'd explore it later. Instead her head turned left and right, eyes roaming everywhere at the greenery around them. And she could only describe it as... mundane? Ordinary?

It frustrated her. The fact that it was not otherworldly special – not unique enough to make her jaw drop to the ground and cause her eyes to go wide in wonder. The gods of her words committed all those unspeakable atrocities she did not dare say out loud for this.

Realizing that she had been riling herself up for no apparent reason, [Name] took a deep, calming breath.

If I continue like this, I'll kill every god I lay my eyes upon before Ragnarok even starts.

"Yes, this is Valhalla, Your Majesty-"

"[Name]," she interrupted. "If I am to participate as a nobody who just happens to be the descendant of King Solomon, you can't go around calling me 'Your Majesty'," [Name] said, and Brunhilde gave a nod. She let the valkyrie lead her to a high flight of stairs leading into the ginormous white building. And as they treaded up the flights of stairs, Brunhilde's heels clicking on the hard travertine stone, and nearing the big, bulky doors separating the outside world from whatever – or whoever – hid within this building of mystery, [Name] suddenly felt a shiver down her spine.

She abruptly stopped. What was that? It had come from nowhere – in no form of a harsh gust of wind or a screeching noise. Brunhilde continued walking before her eyes, heels still clicking cluelessly against the stone. [Name] took yet another step, the same sensation wrapping around her, strangling her – but stronger. Her eyes flicked around her, looking for something – anything. Nothing.

"Are you coming?" she heard a strong voice say from atop the flight of stairs. Brunhilde was staring down at her, watching the woman's wary eyes shoot behind her back one last time before treading up the stairs. "Did you see something?"

[Name] passed her, pressing a hand against one of the huge wooden doors. "No, it was nothing but my imagination, I'm afraid." The door pushed open and they entered.




As they sauntered through the grand corridor, Brunhilde's heels clicking against the white marble floor was the only noise reaching her eardrums. It was not possible to miss the absence of people through the long hallway, with rows of mechanical doors on its left, and floor-to-ceiling windows flanking its right side. It both looked and felt empty – unpersonal even.

"Are we the only ones here?" she asked.

Brunhilde's eyes met the queen's – [Name] – she should start referring to her as [Name] even in her mind to decrease the risk of any potential slip-ups. Granted, she was far from the type to ever do something so foolish under any circumstances. But it almost came naturally. The woman emitted such a strong, overbearing presence that it could make anyone's knees buckle. It wasn't per se so much her words as her eyes. The way they did not reflect the smallest glint of fear. Her pupils wandered around the space, constantly assessing, determining, weighing, the risks of simply standing in this very hallway. Always alert. Always full of vigour.

An enemy you would not want. Something she conveyed with her eyes alone.

"This place is reserved only for the people participating in Ragnarok," Brunhilde said, her but an echo against the tall, blank walls. "So unless invited, you won't see anyone outside of the participants and us valkyries." She started out of the window, watching the green valleys of flowers and trees in the distance. "If we see no one it must mean that they are either training, in their rooms, in the dining hall, or simply not here."

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