Chapter 28 - Victory or Loss?

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Between the shadows of the sturdy stone walls caused by the weak candles from the row of chandeliers along the high ceiling, [Name] ran. The obsidian stone floor below her sent shivers down her spine, not due to the little warmth it provided, but rather how it shook with each stomp of guards patrolling the castle grounds and every wheel of wheelbarrows carrying artillery that rolled over its surface.

Still following the hollow cries echoing against the walls, [Name] rolled up the sleeve of her shirt, taking a glance at the sleek watch strapped to her wrist; elegant and luxurious in appearance with its round golden bezel and the detailed image of two suns colliding on the dial, yet technologically advanced and versatile behind all its metallic components. A tap at the crystal and the two suns fuse, creating a hologram with varying functions reminding of the one of a smartphone. It was not something she believed she would ever be in need of, but how could she possibly turn down such a curious gift from Niko, especially when the man had been considerate enough to pay attention to the smallest of details to ensure it was aesthetically pleasing for her?

[Name] watched as the minute hand settled on the nine. Fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes was all she had left before Icreus would leave his hiding place and fly to the East Wing. She let out a mental sigh of relief, grateful that she had allowed herself extra time in case of emergencies such as these.

From the corner of her eye, she caught the glimpse of fluttering cloth from a guard passing by, but [Name] paid him no mind as she continued her pursuit for the West Wing, to the gate that separated Jotunheim from Svartalfheim; the Realm of Master Craftsmen. To the gate she had directed Andvari.

The screaming became more distinct, louder. Every word, every plea more desperate than the last as the darkness that had once before threatened to swallow her whole, lost to the light that gradually overtook her form with each step she took closer to the passage. Her vision turned white. However, she did not give her eyes time to adjust to the sudden change but rather continued her path forward, to the three figures in the distance.

"No, please. I beg of you, I taste disgusting!" Andvari begged for the hundredth time amid screams and tears, the collar of his shirt slightly straggling him as the giant held him up in the air, his thick, blue fingers pinching the back of his green long-sleeved shirt, holding him only mere inches away from his mouth. The blue giant's putrid breath was enough to make the dwarf feel ill, the sight of his carnivorous teeth only worsening his condition.

Finally, the giant spoke, his rumbling voice echoing against the stone walls of the massive room, nudging his elbow at his friend's side. "And you told me that I was crazy when I heard all those noises for the past week!" He wiggled the dwarf in the air, and Andvari let out a small, hopeless yelp. "But would you look at this?" He licked his lips. "Seems like I am about to get rewarded for my patience."

His friend crossed his arms, both giants too engrossed in observing their prey to realize the shadow sprinting between pillars. "Really? And what? Are you gonna eat him without sharing, Tilas?"

Tilas snorted. "That's what you get for not calling me crazy all week, so back off, Biog." He let out his tongue. "This snack is all mine."

Biog's eyes narrowed, turning his head so he would not get tempted to punch the giant in the face and steal the snack from him. At times, he wished to kill half of his fellow guards at this cursed castle.

Suddenly, his pointy ears picked up something quite odd. It was not the usual muffled screams and crunching of bones, but the impact of something heavy being dropped to the stone floor and damped by the woven carpet, followed by the distinctive sound of thick blood spurting everywhere. A warm sensation hit Biog's feet, and he slowly craned his neck downward to the red carpet. Red. Had the carpet always been red? Mutely, he turned around, panicked eyes widening at the sight of Tilas' tongue lying motionless on the stone floor whilst the giant clutched his throat, choking on his own blood.

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