Chapter 34 - A Journey Through Memory Lane Part. 1

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[Name]'s eyes squinted, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness that hit her, the spots of black clouding her vision fading little by little with each blink. A tingling sensation suddenly spread throughout her whole body, and she forced her eyes wide open, sucking in a breath at her new surroundings – familiar surroundings of columns of flowers and lush rose bushes, of pleasant breezes and sunlit hedges. And the weird sensation she had felt seconds before had come from someone literally running through her as if her body had become as light as the afternoon air.

A small sound, verging to a breathy whisper, left her mouth at the sight of a very young girl – no older than five – laughing merrily but abruptly stopping and hiding behind nearby throne-prone bushes when guards patrolled the area. Relentlessly, they turned their heads and cursed under their breath.

Not again, before scurrying away.

And with a mischievous smile grazing her young face, the girl escaped her hiding spot and ran up to a tree, her feet crunching the soft, green grass, whispering a few words. The leaves rustled and an older boy, looking very similar to her jumped off the branch he had been sitting on and landed beside her. Quickly, she grabbed his hand and yanked him away. He must have been ten at the time if her memory wasn't failing her.




"You promised your mother you would stop, [Name]," the boy breathed, turning his head feverishly. "They have increased the number of guards since our last escapade. We'll get busted and get in trouble." Again.

Midway through climbing up a wall, [Name] craned her neck in his direction. "So? We'll get in trouble either way. I miss the city." Her knife dug into the stone wall, as she climbed higher and higher.

Aedion sighed before a smile blossomed on his face. The same smile that meant he was willing to be compliant with her every wish. "I vowed to protect you no matter what." Proudly, he slammed his fist against his chest. "And when the time comes, I will swear the blood oath to you." She finally reached the very top of the wall, feeling her fingers coil around the edge of the stone. She looked at him with her head slightly cocked to the side.

If I want to become queen. Her eyes said.

"Why wouldn't you?" he asked out loud. And the girl looked at her hands, mustering the smallest amount of water. And in her other hand, a bright flame formed, strong, vehement. She wished to become a healer – to help people - but even at that young age, she understood that perhaps part of her fate was already decided for her. Without providing the boy with an answer, she jumped to the other side, alerting him.

Quickly he hauled himself the wall, like they had done a million times before, the very last wall that separated them from the city. He jumped, his knees bending, feeling his feet touch hard soil. He heaved a deep sigh before following the small girl.

And so under bridges, they went, between the shadows of buildings and walls, through the thicks of forests, evading all guards in their sight. Not that it proved to be an issue when the girl had memorized their work schedule. All, until they finally roamed the streets of a bustling city. The girl looked ecstatic, practically jumping in pure joy before sprinting off. The boy's mouth fell open, and he rushed after her.

With her lips tugged into a bright smile that could melt the biggest of mountains, she went from street vendor to shop owner, interacting with old as young. And all welcomed her with free gifts and lavish praises.

From the corner of her eye, the girl caught the sight of two guards, young and inexperienced, approaching them. Roughly grabbing the boy's hand she pulled them both under a wooden table, draped in the rough fabric of a table cloth.

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