Chapter 8 - For a Better World

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'[Name], I think I found something in your memories that may help,' Nehemia breathed.

'Continue,' [Name] was not in the mood for idle chatter.

After the whole thing with the pianoforte, she had returned to her room, not to sleep. [Name] was past the point of sleeping and was currently wide awake. She and Nehemia had decided that they would research wyrdmarks, instead.

So, sitting on the cold, marble floor with her legs crossed and her nose buried in a book was [Name]. Her brows furrowed as she tried to understand the content of a book, while Nehemia skimmed through her memories, in case she had missed something.

'There... there might be a spell that could make you see me, maybe even touch me. Make my body materialize if that makes sense. Not revive me. I'll always be dead. But perhaps, bring me to Valhalla. Bring me to you.'

The world must have stopped because the queen could swear that her breathing had ceased along with all movements of her body.

'What must I do?'' [Name] said. Not any time would be wasted.

'[Name], you need to understand that this is a complicated spell. I have yet to read about how it's done and the cons-' but before the princess could finish, she was interrupted by a certain queen.

"Which book and page, Nehemia?" she decided to speak out loud, as if finally realizing she was in the comfort of her own room, and therefore, alone. No one could hear her.

Nehemia sighed. 'The Walking Dead, page 347.'

[Name] placed her book on the floor and reached for the one right beside it, l it on the floor and turning the pages until she saw the desired number. Then they began reading together. She did not recognize the majority of the wyrdmarks but judging by how Nehemia has been humming in understanding, at least one of them did.

'Do not worry, my friend. I plan on once again giving you lessons about the wyrdmarks. Soon you'll know just as much as me.' Well, thank goodness for that.

"We will do it when I can see you," [Name] said, as a hopeful smile made itself to her lips.

'It is a promise then,' Nehemia squealed.




"Something has been on my mind as of late." The pondering voice had belonged to Raiden, who wore a thoughtful expression on his face. A line appeared between his brows, and his eyes squinched the tiniest bit, as his lips were pressed into a thin line. It felt odd seeing the man think. He looked like he hadn't used his brain for years.

They were currently in the dining hall, eating breakfast. She was the last one to come and yet, it had been completely quiet upon her arrival. She didn't know why. It was as if everyone was too deep in thought to even pay attention to their surroundings. Raiden had been the first to break the silence.

"Yes, so have I," Jack said, not smiling. None of them did. "About last night. I, and some others it appears, had heard a beautiful, yet haunting melody."

[Name]'s expression remained unreadable, while she mentally cursed him for bringing up this conversation.

"Yes, that is exactly what had made me think of this thing!" Raiden exclaimed as he banged his fists on the table, rattling the silverware and confirming what the killer had just said. Jack shot him a glare, clearing his throat in as he continued speaking. [Name] already knew what he was about to say and readied herself for yet another interrogation. She made sure that her posture appeared normal, as well as her breathing. Here it comes.

A Better World (Record of Ragnarok x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now