Chapter 16 - Woman or Warrior, or both?

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The king awoke from his deep slumber to the sound of near-silent mumbles and pages turning. Still lying on his back with his eyes closed, he stretched his arms, as a yawn escaped his lips. Qin could hear someone snort at the other end of the room.

"Good thing I left the bed before you woke up or I would have gotten hit in the face first thing in the morning," [Name] said, flipping another page in her – well, Qin's – book. She had found it lying around on his elegant, black oak desk with intricate designs of dragons carved at its edges– untouched and lonely. So, what was she supposed to do but grab it and get an insight into what the once Emperor of China liked to read?

About himself, she concluded.

It was a history book about Qin Shi Huang.

She slumped more into her chair, bringing her knees to her chest and resting her head atop of them. She smiled at him. "Well, Ying Zheng? Are you not going to say anything?"

If shock would have a face it would be Qin's. He stared at her – wide-eyed, brows rose high and mouth open. He looked like that weird, surprised emoji Michel had shown her the other day.

Unfortunately, the seconds passed, and he soon returned to his haughty, yet lovely self. "I'm surprised you can still move your legs, Wǒde Nǚwáng, after all that shaking yesterday." Qin moved, now lying on his stomach at the foot of the bed, propping his head up with one hand. His eyes met hers in a smile.

"I got impeccable stamina," [Name] answered from the armchair she was sitting on, her face no longer buried in the history book she found lying around his room. "Perhaps, you are not as great as you make yourself out to be, King." The challenging grin on her lips had encouraged the emperor to heave himself up and saunter up to her, still naked. He was more than comfortable in his skin.

"That so? All your moaning and begging yesterday would prove otherwise." He leaned in close enough to whisper in her ear, "'Oh, please, Qin.' Hmm, I wonder who said those words... Should I refresh your memory?" Despite her best efforts to remain unbothered, her cheeks dusted pink, as she glared at him.

He backed off. "Although, it seems like you remember it clearly, so perhaps I don't need to remind you. I'll let you rest. After all, I wouldn't want my queen to die of embarrassment, now, would I?"

[Name] shot him yet another glare. This one, more vicious than the first. She would not be the one begging next time.

Qin stared out of the window, his form basking in the early rays of the sun. "I didn't take you for an early bird." He went to the bathroom and the balcony to collect his discarded clothes from last night.

"I'm not. I just have trouble sleeping. That is all."

"Oh, so that's why I was deprived of a romantic morning with you," he said, snickering while putting on his pants. But his expression soon turned more solemn. "For how long?"

"Some years," [Name] replied nonchalantly, still lounging on his chair. Qin stopped. A couple of years? He had assumed that perhaps her poor sleeping habits had been due to her unfamiliarity with Valhalla, but years? Either it was poor habits or...

"What's keeping you awake at night?" He made his way toward [Name], his upper torso still bare. Standing before her, Qin took her hand in his and pulled her to her feet. He let his hands fall to her hips as he pulled her in for a kiss.

Some very unpleasant nightmares, Qin gathered from her silence. He pulled away. "If you ever want to talk, I'm here for you." She hummed in response, pecking him on the lips.

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