Chapter 29 - Which Boy?

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[Name]'s eyes roamed the arena. Everything from the silty ground below her boots -where two ginormous footprints had sunken into the soil as a reminder of the great beast that had once stood in this very arena - to the tall travertine walls encircling her, and to the rows of seats just above them brimming with people still cheering while others quiet, brought her a sense of satisfaction. Her head fell back, watching the last rays of orange in the sky, minutes away from losing to the darkness of the night.

A pleasant breeze wafted by them, brushing the brown locks of Athena's hair in her face. And yet, her piercing dark eyes did not once stir from her. She was silent. But only because her eyes conveyed her contempt in such a rigorous manner that the din of the public had gradually ceased.

Contrary to the furious goddess, [Name] was not interested in participating in some childish staring contest.

Instead, her fingers ran through the damp strands sticking to her skin, wringing the last bit of water out of her hair. Drops fell to the silty soil, which sucked droplet after droplet up without any hesitance. And while her hands parted her hair in three sections, redoing her braid, she gazed up at the dwarf in the box to her left, along with the princess and the oldest and youngest of the valkyries. Fenrys was not in sight. She smiled to herself, tying the last knot of her hair with an elastic hair tie.

Andvari dug his face between the balusters of the balustrade while sitting cross-legged on the cold, marble floor. When asked why, he simply replied that having to crane his neck endlessly would put a strain on him. In truth, he did not feel like admitting to his legs giving up on him. He had been in a state of shock, bewitched by all the praise and applause, but eventually came back to his senses when the tall valkyrie next to him explained their current circumstances. Even then he could not force his body to stand straight.

Brunhilde's emerald eyes swept through the battleground, remaining longest on the three figures that occupied its space. To the left; representing humanity and the keeper of the first gem was [Name] with her chin held high and a victorious spark in her eyes. And to the right; the god's representative and the loser of the first round was Athena, furious beyond reason. Both the women's companions were long gone. Icreus, somewhere in the Inkward Forrest, and Pegasus? She could not guess where that mythical horse had vanished.

Turquoise eyes ringed with gold met hers, and everyone in her box sent her a broad smile and an eager wave, wishing her the best of luck in the second round. She returned the kind gesture, but more monotonous. Soon, Brunhilde's ears picked up a sonorous sound piercing the air.

Once again, the Gjallar Horn blew, indicating the start of the second round.

Heimdal took a deep breath, still slightly astounded from the events of the previous round. From the corner of his eye, he could see Athena pushing herself off the wall she was leaning on and nearing the middle ground. "The second round has officially begun!" Cheers echoed everywhere, happy, hopeful. "And like the mission before, this one is not to take place in this arena."




Shiva yawned from his seat, folding his arms over his chest while the back of his head sunk deeper and deeper into the soft cushion of his comfortable bean bag. "So, what's your guesses?"

Parvati pressed a finger to her chin, humming to herself. "What realm, you say," she muttered. "No idea."

A smile crept to Kali's lips. "Helheim?"

Rudra kept to the sidelines but gave his opinion regardless. "Perhaps. Svarga might also be an option." The others nodded, currently waiting for Heimdal to finish his announcement.

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