Chapter 22 - Worried valkyries

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Leonidas leaned against the door, trying to deter his mind from jumping to any sudden conclusions as to why she had requested only him to stay in her room. Had it been any other woman, he would have read her intention clear as day, but [Name]? Who knew what went on in that lunatic's head?

The muscles of his crossed arms tensed from how her eyes wandered up and down his body several times. Despite her alluring stare, Leonidas found himself internally raging at the sight of her annoying smirk. "What do you want?"

[Name] cocked her head to the side, her smile widening when his eyes subconsciously moved to her exposed neck. "Is that really the tone you're gonna use with your master the remaining hours of the day?"

His eye twitched. "And why don't you bother anyone else with your bullshit?"

Using her foot, she pushed herself off the balcony doors and approached him. "Has anyone else bothered me nearly as much as you have today?"

He snorted. "You only won because you're a cheater. Had you played fair and square you would have lost."

She coaxed her brow. "And you would have won for destroying a wall? Please, your team could not even plan a single prank, while I planned several, and succeeded in making you carry them out without raising any suspicion. Surely, you find that impressive, right?"

Leonidas did not answer.

"Do you truly dislike me that much, Leo?" Still no answer. [Name] sighed and brought her hand to her throat. "I believe I need a warm beverage to calm my nerves from a hectic day. Go get me some tea." The man really contemplated tightening her grip around her throat but decided to exit the room as fast as possible so to not be responsible for the death of an einherjar.




When Leonidas returned, he almost dropped the cup of tea on the marble floor. However, the slight tremor of his hand had caused him to spill some of the hot liquid over his thumb, in turn making him hiss. And yet, his eyes remained on the woman sitting on the edge of the bed reading a book. Her hair was loose, arranged in a cascade of curls all the way down to her hips, as the light from the candles on each of her two nightstands gave it a golden glow. However, it was not the hair that had made his mouth water, but her clothes. Or more precisely, the lack of them.

A silk robe of green colour pooled to her midthighs, while the low neckline did little to hide her cleavage and the thin material of the silk made her protruding nipples visible. It did not help that she was crossing her smooth legs. [Name] raised an amused brow. "Is that really how you stare at your master? How vulgar!"

Leonidas returned to his senses. "I never agreed to you being my master."

[Name] closed the book gently and put it on her nightstand, stretching her arm, not caring how much her neckline showed. She swore she could hear him gulp.

"In that case, my second wish for tonight is that you refer to me as such." Her eyes sought out his. "Say it." He refused, and [Name] cocked her head to the side. "Do you Spartans not value your word? Are you breaching our agreement from this morning, Leo?"

His mouth twitched, coming very close to cursing her, but in the end, reluctantly, the word left his mouth. "Master," he mumbled, barely audible. If his soldiers found out about this, he'd bury himself underground. She, however, that witch, smiled brightly.

"Good boy."

Patting the place on her right, she urged him to sit next to her. Dragging his feet over the marble floor, he made his way toward her and sat on the soft mattress that, impressively enough, did not bulge much under his heavy weight. The proximity ensured that he could sense the warmth radiating off her body. Literally. Tugging the neckline of his compression T-shirt Leonidas took a deep breath. The tight material had never bothered him before, but tonight it did.

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