Chapter 35 - Frenemies? No, Just Enemies.

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Treading down a steep hill, Lorcan and Dorian decided to hold onto the edges of the small tail wagon to ensure it wouldn't rush down the hill and shatter once it touched ground level, all while Manon walked as if the ground was plain, still dragging a stumbling Erichthonius behind her.

"Would you just let me go?" He groaned for what felt to him like the hundredth time since their departure with mankind's representative. It had in reality been the twelfth time. And you know what they say, twelfth time is the charm because Manon soon let go of him.

Erichthonius tripped on thin air and lurched forward, rolling down the hill, crushing flowers and insects until he landed on plain, slightly uneven grass with a heavy grunt. He let out a low mutter, feeling the soft grass tickling his neck. He remained on his back, eyes closed, ignoring the slight snigger that left the witch's mouth.

He was so very close to calling her witch as an insult but shut his mouth when he recalled that's exactly what she is.

Unbelievable. That human had left him with this lunatic! To believe humanity was worried about the life of their representative. He was the victim of all this! He and that dwarf, he supposed. The sheer irony hit him hard, and he let out a small cackle. It had only lasted briefly, but he was convinced he was growing insane.

Erichthonius sniffed as he felt something soft tickle his cheek and then his nose. But he dismissed it as nothing but the long strands of the grass.

"Weren't you being too rough with the boy?" He heard a soft voice speak – much closer than the others. He shot his eyes open, allowing them to wander from the sleek strands dangling in the air to a young face. She was probably kneeling just above his head if he were to guess by the proximity between their faces.

At first, he had noticed her eyes – glowing citrine despite no light falling on her face. For a few seconds that felt like an eternity, he had just stared into them, lost in their perplexity. But soon he forced himself to look at her other features – her oval face, small nose, scarlet lips, and lastly, her rosy cheeks.

And the scars on them.

"He's a god, no?" He heard Manon say as she approached them, the muted noise from the wheels rolling on grass also growing in intensity. The mysterious girl straightened her back and rose to her feet. Such a simple act but she had made it seem so poised. "At least that is what he claims." Erichthonius' head jolted toward the witch, using his elbows to push him off the ground.

"Well excuse me if I wasn't prepared to be pushed down a damn hill." He tried to hover over her – to intimidate her. But Manon did not so much as flinch at his poor attempt to appear authoritative. Her vicious eyes met his; not breaking eye contact until she saw a flash of doubt in his. Good. She smiled, and he bared his teeth at her. Chuckling, she walked off – following the trio and the tail wagon entering the village.

He returned his attention to the mysterious girl, realizing that she wasn't alone. Another girl was with her – her features soft like a deer, and the way she turned her head in every direction sure reminded him of one. Soon, she stalked up to him, not to say hi, but to look behind his back. Nothing. She let out a disappointed sigh before meeting his gaze.

"Where's [Name]?" There was only slight whining in her voice – mostly she sounded impatient.

He shrugged his shoulders, throwing glances at the girl next to her who just watched them with sheer amusement. However, a sudden groan forced all his undivided attention to return to the chesnutt-haired girl.

"What do you mean [Name] isn't here?" She turned to the first girl. "Then why the hell are we even here, Evie?" She kicked one of the stones and began to sulk.

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