Chapter 26 - It's time

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"You motherfucking brat, why won't you fly?" The woman's poor attitude was answered by a low growl from the dragon, the reverberations carrying across the entirety of the mountain-encircled green land.

Sitting on the grass a safe distance from the two quite vocal beings were Brunhilde and Nehemia, both watching their friend continuously provoke a mythical monster with razor-sharp teeth that could bite through graphene with excellent ease, and a temper that could compare to the wildest of boars. When the demi-fae had requested their presence in the Inkward Forest, the two females had not expected her to lead them to the basilisks' nest, where she had committed the gravest genocide known in those monsters' history, much less draw symbols on the grass and summon a dragon.

"Tea?" Nehemia offered from beside her, looking too calm for the valkyrie's comfort.

"No, thank you." How was this even possible? Dragons had been extinct for millennia, and yet this white, majestic creature was still alive, lazily lying on the crisp green grass while [Name] threw profane curses at him. Every time she attempted to climb up his back, he threw her off with a whip of his tail.

Once again, [Name] was sent flying, landing on her feet before rolling onto her back. The only difference this time was that she did not rise up. Resting her hands on the back of her head, she stared up at the two white clouds adorning the orange sky. To believe she had been here for hours, making zero progress. Heaving a sigh, she closed her eyes.

A voice sounded from afar. Nehemia. "Would you like us to leave?"

[Name] raised her hand and shooed them away, all while not looking in their direction. The rattle of cups and food as they were packed into a bag, along with the subdued sound of grass crunching, followed by the small echo of steps in a cave all indicated their leave.

She felt a shadow cast over her, stopping the warmth of the sun from reaching her face. Forcing one eye open, she was met with white irises staring intensely at her. However, after hours upon hours of trying to make the creature listen to her, she was not very inclined to have a staring contest with him. Her eyelids fell, as she slowly began entering her dreamland. However, a hot puff of air, ruffling her hair had made her open them again.

"You've ignored me ever since I summoned you, and know you get all cranky when I treat you the same?" she snapped.

He growled, saliva escaping between his teeth.

"Brat," she mumbled.

He leaned his snake-like head closer to hers. Inches away from her body, the dragon could easily kill her with one single bite. Yet, he didn't – and the thought never occurred to her. Instead, she put her hand just atop his snout, gently stoking his textured skin. Another puff of air excited through his nostrils, but this time not in frustration. With one single nudge of his foot, careful not to shred her into bits with his claws, he made the human sit up.

"Will you throw me off again?"

The bastard didn't even bother answering her before he turned his head. In spite of his rude behaviour, she rose to her feet, only that she was in no hurry to climb onto his back. Instead, she ran her hand against his scaly skin, all the way from his long neck to his rounded shoulder, and finally, her hand caressed the membrane of thin hide stretching across the structure of lightweight bones – his wing.

Her world had wyverns and ruks – large eagle-like birds with feathers, so it was not the first time she had borne witness to wings of this scale, but it was the first time she had touched them. Her finger rested on one of the many carved talons growing from each ending of his wings, reminding in appearance of giant scythes.

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