Chapter 19 - Her monsters

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A harsh knock at the door awakened the princess from her deep slumber. Nehemia slowly sat up, taking her sweet time - she did not appreciate being rushed, especially not when she had yet to drink her morning coffee. Stretching her arms above her head she basked in the sunlight shining through the open balcony doors. Nehemia attempted to blink away the sleepiness but failed to do so, as the heaviness of her eyelids threatened to whisk her back to the comforts of her dreamland.

That is, if not the muffled voices behind the door had concluded it to be a good idea to knock once again, this time much louder. Nehemia groaned, before forcing her eyes open. Clearing her throat, she succeeded in replying crisply, keeping a yawn at bay. "Come in." The door creaked open, revealing three figures behind the threshold, the shortest of them carrying a basket of sorts.

"Good morning, Raiden, Jack, and Lu Bu." Nehemia greeted politely, while half her body still lay under the covers of the heavenly soft bed that seemed to repeatedly call her name, beckoning her to lay her head on the silky soft material of the big pillows. "What brings you here at such an hour?" Leave. Her bloodshot eyes screamed.

Jack bowed gracefully, laying a hand on his chest. "I'm sorry, fair lady, we hoped to bring [Name] and you breakfast since you missed it," he said.

Nehemia's eyes shot open as she took a quick glance at the ticking clock at the nightstand - the hour hand was minutes past pointing at eleven. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience," she muttered, abruptly standing up and tidying the bedclothes.

"No, there is no reason to apologize!" Raiden shook his head. "We also wanted to check up on [Name]. To see how she was doing, but where exactly is she?" Raiden's eyes lingered on the currently empty, tidied bed. Nehemia let out an exasperated sigh, as she turned her attention to the provocatively clad woman on the other end of the room. The others followed her gaze, only to gawk at the sight before them.

Sprawled on the marble floor was a wolf sleeping peacefully on its stomach - and leaning on his side with her face lost in the softness of his fur, and one leg up to her chest, was [Name]. Her short golden nightgown and the ungainly position she had chosen left her underwear visible. Jack, being the gentleman he is, turned his head in the other direction, and Lu Bu followed suit. Raiden on the other hand had frozen in place.

Sensing their growing discomfort Nehemia decided to speak again. "She has kept me awake for hours with her reading." Reading? Jack forced his attention to the many scattered books on the floor around the duo.

"May I ask you how someone reading a book could keep you from sleeping?""Jack asked carefully, seeing as the red, agitated colour of the princess continued to grow.

"Why, if you read like a normal person, there would be no issue," Nehemia retorted, and Jack wished that he had kept his mouth shut. "But you see, when someone giggles and remarks on almost every single page, it gets tiring." She rubbed her eyes, using her fingers to keep them open. "Very tiring." [Name] shifted in her sleep, so the right side of her body was leaning against Fenrys, no longer showing off her underwear to the entire world.

"Perhaps, we should take our leave then," the killer mumbled, already having one foot past the threshold.

Nehemia's brows furrowed. "Why?" she asked.

"Because she's still asleep," Raiden followed, pointing at the still-sleeping girl. Lu Bu and Jack nodded in agreement. Nehemia let out a chuckle, making the men stare at her in bewilderment.

Raiden scratched his head. "What's so funny?"

In between laughs, Nehemia replied, "That you think she's still sleeping. Her hearing is better than mine and she's a light sleeper, there is absolutely no way in hell that my friend has not heard you."

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