Chapter 21 - Apologies

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The hallway was silent as [Name] and Hermes sauntered through it; their steps muted from years of diligent practice. [Name] found little solitude in its silence, despite the years spent dwelling in the dark shadows of buildings and trees as an assassin. At least those times it had not been so... awkward.

She flexed her fingers, allowing her long nails to trail the fine tapestry of the wall, creating an awful screech that oddly enough eased her mind.

"Remind me why you are following me now again," [Name] spoke amid the silence, still scratching the wall. Hermes did not so much as glance her way or flinch under the percussive sound.

"Because Lord Zeus ordered me to escort you back to your room." He answered simply with his usual monotone voice. The same voice he'd use when he pretended to be that dignified, polite messenger who constantly was mindful of his words.

[Name] halted all movements and watched as the moon gave light to his still-moving stature, completely uncaring if she followed him or not. "What's up with you?" No answer, all while his figure steadily grew smaller. "I am talking to you, Messenger of Gods." There was a slight sharpness in her voice, but that did nothing to hinder the man from continuously ignoring her.

"Hermes," she then drawled.

And Hermes stopped. Why did he do that? Was it because she had intoned his name so very gently – in a manner so different from how she usually spoke to him? Or was it because it was the very first time he had heard his name leave her mouth? Not 'god', not 'Messenger of the Gods' not 'you', but Hermes – his name.

"Hermes," [Name] repeated with the same mellow tone, and despite his best efforts not to, he craned his neck to look at her. To believe that the simple act of just saying his name could render him so... entranced. It was frightening how much power she held over him.

He watched as she approached him, the moonlight shining through the huge windows coloured her hair silver, only for that same silver glow to disappear as she stepped into the shadow of the walls between them, and then reappear as light from the next window shined on her. Repeatedly the light shifted from dark to silver, until she stood behind him.

"What's wrong?" [Name] asked her gaze fully on his turned face.

Hermes refused to meet her eyes, fearing that if he did, the barrage of emotions behind them would cause his façade to crumble. Never in his immortal life has he even considered such a possibility. The mere thought of him – the God of Heraldry, Trade, and Trickery - revealing his true opinions and beliefs was beyond laughable. So, how could this mere mortal girl bring out those hidden parts of him with her eyes alone? Almost as if staring into them made him unable to tell a single lie, in fear of the disappointment that would reflect on them if he did. No, not disappointment, but the kind of numbness that overtakes your body when your worst expectations are met. Why that bothered him so much he did not know.

The god forced his legs to once again move, shifting his head back to where the rest of his body was directed.

"Nothing to worry about, Lady [Name]," he replied with his usual polite smirk.

But before he could take one more step, she had grabbed his arm and pushed him against the wall, cornering him between her arms. His eyes widened, but he said no words. [Name] scoffed. "Do you take me for an idiot, Hermes?"

"Of course not-

"Liar," she interrupted. "Why else would you still be wearing that fake smile around me? That very same smile you have around the other deities to maintain that perfect persona of yours." [Name] strained her neck upward, locking her eyes with his. Pools of red stared back at her, not yielding under her intense gaze. The one thing he didn't want to do – meet her stare. And just like that, his perfect smile wavered, leaving his expression unreadable.

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