Chapter 15 - So much regret

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The laughter had ceased upon hearing the voice of the still-breathing skeleton - not out of fright - but more due to the eerie heaviness his words carried, draping the dining hall in deafening silence. Confusion was evident on the humans' eyes, as well as Buddha's, bemused as to why the King of the Gods would speak to [Name] of all people about a tournament almost a month and a half from now. However, one swift look at their surroundings and they quickly came to realize that their surprise was one-sided.

"And why would you do that?" Nikola asked, eyes glaring at Zeus, while his grip around [Name]'s hand tightened.

A tremor of amusement could be seen on the god's lips as he leaned against the doorframe. "Why, of course. She is to fight only two weeks from now. Surely, we must go through all the rules, as well as the layout of the battle. You see, it will be a bit... different from the other rounds."

Nikola jerked his head to the woman whose life, soon enough, would be on the line.

"What is he talking about, [Name]?" [Name], not 'Ma chérie'. Either the god's words had made him sober up, or he was mad at her. Perhaps both. "[Name], what is he talking about?" This time his voice had come out sharper.

When she showed no sign of answering, Zeus spoke for her. "You see, our dear [Name] over here agreed on participating in a... trial battle of sorts a month prior to the tournament." When he saw Tesla's brows furrow, he continued. "Oh, but don't worry! She will participate in her round as well if she survives." He let out a chuckle at his own words, but that only seemed to worsen the already dreadful silence hanging over the room.

Tesla went still, all while Fenrys had made his way toward his queen, now standing as a protective shield between her and Zeus. He faces the King of Gods and growled at him.

"Easy boy." Was all she said to the wolf.

"Why would you do that, [Name]?" This time it was Kojiro who had spoken out loud, still standing next to Buddha. There was no trace left of the smile he had worn just minutes ago. And so, she answered him with a willed, brittle smirk on her lips, all while playing with a strand of her hair.

"Because I never turn down a challenge." She made sure to say it with as much bravado as she could muster, turning her gaze to Fenrys, in fear that her eyes would reveal her growing anxiety. It is not that she did not have any confidence in her skills, but the time was running out and they had made no progress with her fire. The same fire that would be her only chance of killing a god without a divine weapon.

The hand holding hers tightened once again, but this time in anger, not comfort. She did not so much as flinch. "Is that your reasoning? That your pride hinders you from turning down an offer that could result in your death? Is that truly something to be proud of?" Nikola retorted, unbelieving that the woman he is deeply infatuated with may soon vanish from his life.

Just like his brother.

It was because of that knowledge [Name] remained still, not showing even the remotest form of resentfulness nor rage at his words. She was aware that it was not anger from being left in the dark that had made the scientist speak so harshly to her, but worry for a friend, or something more. She could not blame him. Not when she had promised not to leave his side after he told her about his brother's death. And she supposed that in his eyes, that was exactly what she was doing.

Even though Fenrys did not seem to be fazed by her passive reaction, the same could not be said about the others. Because Fenrys knew his queen better than anyone else. He knew that there was nothing greater than the guilt of [Name] Ashryver Galathynius. The wolf did not take kindly to the scientist's words, but even he had heard the anguish laced behind them, and so, he did not growl at the woeful man, but blink to his queen. Four times, repeatedly. She took notice of this and returned his blinks with one of her own. Yes.

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