Chapter 9 - Selfish Gods, Sexy Human

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[Name] was... undeniably disappointed. She had expected more. Much more from the gods. This party did not beat those exquisite ones she had attended in the Khagan empire. Not that this one was necessarily bad or plain. It simply did not live up to her outlandish expectations of what she would call a 'divine' party.

"What is the celebration for?" [Name] asked the Buddha, still standing at the door, looking at her reflection in the polished stone floor. Two gods passed by them, snickering to themselves as they took a sip of their respective glasses of wine.

"How the hell should I know?" She gave him a perplexed expression, anger shining in her eyes. Ass.

Sensing her growing agitation the god sighed and cleared his throat. "The gods will call anything a celebration, nowadays. It's just an excuse to drink and party around, y'know? Someone might as well have been able to catch a fly and wanted to celebrate it, for all I care."

[Name] hummed, eyes darting from the crystal chandelier with thousands of glimmering pieces hanging from the high ceiling, to the vintage ballroom windows that created an opulent ambiance that perfectly blended with the golden pilasters aligned with the baby blue wainscoting walls. Along that very same wall was the buffet – loaded with such a deep variety of foods it made her mouth water.

So what had made her so disappointed? The people. Barely anyone was occupying the dance floor, swaying to the flowy rhythm of flutes and violins and trumpets. They were just... mingling among themselves – not even bothering to address anyone outside their group. They didn't even touch the mouth-watering food.

Sensing Buddha's stare, she turned her head to the tall god. "Tell me something, Buddha," her turquoise eyes stared intensely into his. "You do not seem like the kind to attend these types of festivities-" they seem way too boring for you "–so, how come you invited me to this gathering?" The corners of his mouth tugged.

"Because I knew you would cause trouble. And I am all for it." His smile quickly faded when he met her cold stare.

"So what? I am simply a plaything for your amusement?" So much for momentarily trusting a god. As she was about to turn back to her room, he grabbed her hand. He was strong. But so was she.

And as she was about to twist his arm he said, "No, they are." The winsome smile on his face conveyed enough of his intentions. He wanted her to cause trouble for them. And she could not help but give the man a pleased smile in return. He freed her arm and she straightened.

"I don't believe I'll be needing to do much. If I'm not mistaken, my presence alone should be enough to irk these deities." Her eyes once more scanned the room. And Buddha gave a lazy nod.

"In that case, I'll let things unfold by themself, and in the meantime, I'll enjoy the fake celebration," [Name] said, striding toward the buffet. She couldn't be a nuisance without a full stomach, right?

"Who is she?" she heard someone mumbling behind her. Her back was still turned to them as she stacked her plate with food, but she listened to their every breath.

"She's really beautiful! I might ask her for a dance." [Name] heard another god snicker at that comment.

"As if she'd ever dance with a lesser god like you." True.

"Like you're any better!" He isn't.

While they continuously bickered, she rolled her eyes. It seems like lesser gods are not able to tell humans and deities apart. She did not care for them, not when the gamey, earthy taste of the lamb, along with the array of uniquely diverse spices exploded in her mouth. At that very moment, she believed she was the happiest she's ever been.

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