Chapter 10 - Harem what now?

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It was the sunlight that shined through the open balcony doors that had awoken the scientist from his deep slumber. And as he sat up, stretching his upper torso – preparing for a good morning - he could not help but cringe at the sight before him.

Nikola had expected to wake up before [Name], to admire her still sleeping face, and perhaps play with a strand of her hair like she had done to him the night before. As of the moment his fantasy seemed like just that. A fantasy. A far-fetched dream. Because Nikola woke up to an empty bed. [Name] was still in the room, which he of course was thankful for, but she wasn't dressing up or brushing her teeth or doing any other morning activities he could think of.

He sighed. Kneeling on the floor only a few meters from him was a fully clothed [Name], drawing weird symbols on it with what looked to be blood, almost as if she was performing a satanic ritual of sorts. This was not the romantic morning the scientist had expected the two of them to have.

Another sigh. "What are you doing?" he asked, sitting up and aligning his back with the headboard. She shot up her head, an embarrassed smile playing on her lips.

"Oh, you're awake. And here I promised her that you wouldn't see anything." [Name] said, her smile taking a more innocent appearance. Is she going to sacrifice him?

"Do you always do this after you've slept with someone, or is it just me?"

"Just you." He did not like the mischievous glint that grew in her eyes.

[Name] then abruptly stood up, her bare feet echoing against the tiles as she strode toward him, giving him a pack on the lips. "For now." And before he could say another word, she went back to the scribbling on the floor.

Tesla decided to leave the very soft bed and look for his clothes, which were scattered everywhere in the room. He managed to find everything, but...

"Are you looking for these?" [Name] held up a pair of boxers in her left hand, wiggling them in the air. Nikola blushed as he uttered a low thanks and took them, now dressing. When he was finally done, he walked up to her.

"You have still not answered my question, [Name]." He crouched beside her, taking in the symbols. They partly resembled... he had no clue.

"Why tell when you can watch?" she said. Her smile soon vanished, fingers dipping into the blood running down her other arm, smearing it on the floor. How had he missed the deep cut on her arm?

[Name] then stood up and began speaking in a language he did not recognize. The symbols began shining, dancing around them in a whirlwind of red and white markings. And then, nothing. A minute passed, and not even a gust of wind could be heard through the deafening silence. The sunlight reflected from the balcony the disappointment in her turquoise eyes.

Nikola still had no idea what she was trying to do. And just as he was about to repeat his question for a third time, a light shined in the middle of the bloody ring and in the blink of an eye, a figure appeared. At first, Nikola could only make out her long and lean form, but soon enough a beautiful woman with braided black hair, brown eyes, and creamy brown skin stood before him.

[Name] had been completely still the entire time. And it had taken him a moment to process that it was because silent tears were rolling down her cheeks – not of sadness nor frustration, but joy and relief. It was a strange sight.

"Nehemia, tell me that this is real," [Name] breathed in disbelief, reaching out a hand to her friend.

"This is real, my friend." Nehemia took her hand in hers, interlocking their fingers as she smiled brightly at her friend. And for a moment, they just stood there – watching the other – burning their appearance to memory. Eventually, Nehemia pulled up her friend, and turned her head to the scientist.

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