Chapter 2 - Hello there, King

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On their way to the dining hall, a wall collapsed just a few meters from where they were standing, dust took to the air and clouded their vision. In less than a heartbeat [Name] pulled Brunhilde behind her, while she readied her body into a good fighting tance. She had yet to pull out any of the many daggers hidden underneath her clothes in case the absence of the wall in some way did not indicate that they were in grave danger. Out of the dust that filled the air appeared a figure.

"Again, Qin? Are you lost, yet again?" the tone of the valkyrie's voice told [Name] enough. This man was not a threat, but an idiot. She relaxed her posture.

"I walk the path of an emperor. The road is where I lead!" The man named Qin exclaimed proudly. He was wearing an intricate bare-shouldered robe, which showed off his very muscular arms. The tattoo on his right cheek also caught the queen's attention, but not as much as the blindfold he was wearing. Is he blind? No, judging by the way he's looking at them she can tell that he is not. So, why?

"That's a nice way of expressing having a poor sense of direction," [Name] quipped with her usual snarky smile. His attention turned to her, to her eyes specifically. Definitely not blind.

"Humble yourself! You're in the presence of an emperor!" Qin exclaimed, yet again. But the faint tug of his lips told her that his arrogance was harmless.

She tilted her head slightly to the side, "Then where is your throne, oh dear emperor? Did you destroy it alongside that wall behind you?"

Qin returned her smile with an equally big one, "The place matters not. The throne is where I am."

"Spoken like a true ruler," [Name] mused, letting out an almost silent chuckle. It was refreshing meeting someone of the same status as her. If she were not to keep her identity a secret, they could have perhaps shared their experiences as royalty with one another. She could still ask him. He looked like the kind to willingly boast about his achievements with the world, even if she couldn't tell him about herself. At least, not really. She looked at the man once again. One who likes to brag, but honestly, who doesn't?

"Tell me, Great Emperor," she drawled, making sure to put all her attention on the blindfold. [Name] did not miss the smile that grew ever so slightly on his face when hearing the pronunciation of his title. "What makes a great leader?"

"Well, Xiǎo Gōng Jǔ." Confusion clouded [Name]'s face at the unfamiliar nickname. "It is quite simple. One who never doubts, never yields, never relies, and always stands as the leader of his people. That is what makes a ruler." [Name] hummed in response. From simply those words it was clear that she was standing before a great man - a great ruler - who cared about his people deeply. Just like her.

"Aren't you going to ask for my name, King?"

"Why ask for a name when I already gave you such an endearing nickname?" Oh, he was undoubtedly a flirt.

"So that when you hear others praise my name, you will know that it is me they speak of," she answered, and Qin her smile deepened when she saw his lips slightly part in shock.

"Cocky woman," He jested, now wearing a full-on grin on his face.

"Arrogant King," [Name] retorted, taking the valkyrie's arm In hers and continuing down the same path as previously.

"How rude! To just leave an emperor like that without telling him your name. Oh well, it's not too late to go down on your knees and beg for forgiveness." Didn't he say minutes before that he wasn't interested in learning her name?

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