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June 27th, 08:01am

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June 27th, 08:01am

Riki opened his eyes. He was was woken up by his alarm clock.

First he looked at the bed next to him and saw a folded blanket on it. Jay must have already gotten up.

He grabbed his phone to check if someone texted him. Nothing.

Last night he texted with Ju-won for almost 2 hours. It was pretty relaxing and fun.

He has to be at the office at 11am. Today, he has to practice for his solo part in "Sacrifice" for the tour which begins in a few days.

The solo isn't part of the actual choreography but they added it just for the tour.

He just checked a few posts on instagram before getting up and going to the bathroom.

While brushing his teeth he listened to the songs, they are going to play on the "Fate Tour".

After finish brushing his teeth and doing his hair he went to the kitchen.



He saw Sunoo, Sunghoon and Jay sitting at the table and having breakfast.

"Hey Riki, you finally managed to get up" Sunoo chuckled.

"Hey, I didn't sleep that long. I woke up at 8am and just checked my phone for a few minutes. After that I did my hair and brushed my teeth " Riki answered.

"Nevertheless you're a sleepy head" Jay laughed while taking a sip of his coffee.

Riki went to the cupboard to take a small bowl. He shook his head.

"But seriously Riki, you look very sleepy haha. When did you go to bed last night?"

"I don't really know. Maybe about 4:30am? It was pretty hard to sleep next to a guy who snores like a dying walrus" Riki chuckled a bit after looking at jay.

"Did you just call me a dying walrus?" Jay looked at him with a serious facial espression.

"Yes, and it's the truth"

"Guys, stop it. Riki, I thought you could sleep next to Jay when he's snoring? Did you do anything different?" Sunghoon asked.

"Yeah, I texted with Ju-won a while, then we forgot the time haha"

"Uhh Riki your smileee. Do you like Ju-won????" Sunoo asked while laughing.

"Guys, stop it. Please. And Sunoo, Riki and Ju-won are friends since they were 14 so of course he likes her. Riki knows that he's just allowed to be friends with her. It would be to hard for Heeseung if there would be more, so." Jungwon said after coming inside the kitchen.

"Yeah, I was just joking. Ju-won is friends with us all so. And I think there's already a boy who likes her."

"Sunoo, stop it now, please. It's weird to talk about the Love situation from Heeseung's little sister. And it's none of our business." Jake said while looking at Sunoo with serious eyes.

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