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Their very last show

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Their very last show. Looked far away at the beginning, but still came quicker than expected. The last show.

It was always the big finale. How could the time go by so quickly?
Everyone remembered the tensed atmosphere at the first show in Chicago. It was so hectic and eeryone wanted the show to be perfect for the fans.

Now everything was way more chilly. They were back in Seoul, their home.
Of course everyone missed the times in other countries and states. Exploring new places was so much fun.

Creating new shows for every different place they have been. Enhypen felt great to entertain all the engenes with their music, content and dances.
It was exhausting, right. But they could forget all their exhaustion when they were with their biggest supporters; engene.


Ther she lay. A girl looking at the clear blue sky, lying on the picnic blanket at a meadow.
Her eyes closed.

The previous hours Ju-won spent her time with herself. Finally again with herself.
She thought about her memories she shared with all the persons she cared for.

She enjoyed the time so well. She didn't even notice a boy lying down next to her, grabbing her hand.

"The sky is beautiful today, isn't it?" Riki's voice appeared next to Ju-won's head. But Ju-won wasn't suprised at all. She just smiled as she heard the voice of her favourite human.

"Yes it is" Ju-won opened her eyes, looking now back again at the sky.

"Ju-won do you know how much I love you?" Riki turned his face to her, seeing she did the same.

"Do you know how much I love you?" Ju-won couldn't help but let a smile appearing on her face.

"Show it to me" Riki smirked at her.

She lifted up her head, coming closer to the boy. She came so close that eventually her lips were carefully pushed against his. He couldn't help but smile after she pulled her lips back from his.

"Got it now?" Ju-won reaised her eyebrows, smirking at the boy lying.

"I think so. But could you please explain me again this thing with the kissing part?" Riki chuckled at the girl jokingly rolling her eyes.

"That's what you would want" Ju-won playfully crossed her arms over her chest. Now both were sitting across eachother instead of lying next to eachother.

Then Riki just sighed and kissed her straight. It was such a random but at the same time planned scene.

Riki and Ju-won continued to stay at this place until 12am in the night. It was just too pretty to look at the stars appearing on the black sky.

Deep down, Ju-won knew that two of these stars were her parents. She smiled as she saw two shimmering stars being so close to eachother.

"Thank you mom and dad" She smiled at the stars before leaving the place, hand in hand with Riki.

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